A Look Back at the Treatbox Monthly Subscription Boxes for 2022…

Treatbox UK is a subscription box and gift service in the United Kingdom that have some incredible products including in house originals. I have been subscribed to the Treatbox monthly box service since April 2016, and both the boxes and my Review skills have improved vastly since those initial days! I have also introduced a monthly video unboxing to my social media too.
Over the years I have been subscribed there have been some excellently executed themes and some stand alone boxes that made my heart sing with joy when opening them. After so many years of reviewing, I realised that I had never looked back on a year and blogged about it, so I thought why not start with December 2022 and look back at this year.
There have been several stand out boxes this past year, of course my opinion may differ to others, so I thought I would write a blog post and revisit all of the boxes of 2022 and tell you which my top four are and why. I will also mention my favourite item in each box of the year too. So without further ado lets take a quick look, in a photographic sense, of the twelve boxes from this year.

My Top 4 Boxes
The boxes that I think have been the best overall for both product quality and theme have been the November, October, May and March boxes.
The items were a good mix in these four boxes and I have either worn or used the products multiple times since receiving them.
I love receiving products that we have not seen before, and during 2021 we saw too many of similar items duplicated. However 2022 introduced new things, and new Treatbox originals such as Prints, Keyrings, Pins and Stationery. There were also several brand collaborations this year, such as the Craft Kits with Make Arcade and Socks too!
I would say that overall the boxes of 2022 have been excellent quality, well rounded and a good mixture of products throughout the year with very few duplications.
My Top Products of the Year
December Box – Reindeer Socks / Hanging Decoration
November Box – Coaster / Bookmark / Pin / Cards
October Box – Autumn Socks / Pumpkin Craft Kit
September Box – Shell Trinket Dish / Pen / Notepads
August Box – Recipe Journal / Adult Colouring Sheets
July Box – Smile Socks / Handcream
June Box – Monthly Planner / Bracelet
May Box – Mindfulness Cards / Journal / Quartz Moon
April Box – Craft Kit Umbrella / Socks / Shopping List Pad
March Box – Silver Daisy Earrings / Pin
February Box – Heart Pink Socks / Bag
January Box – Amazonite Bracelet / Bookmark
There is a theme here, I love the socks that come in Treatbox, and I am a huge fan of the Stationery, Planners and Notebooks and the like too. Anything that allows me to be Creative is also a winner for me.

What Do I Hope To See in Treatbox UK in 2023
There are a few items that I would love to see stay inside Treatbox for 2023, these include more Craft Kits, different Self Care items and an edible item in every box (preferably Vegan). We don’t always get something to eat, but even if it were a single wrapped piece of chocolate, or a sweet, it would still be edible. As I have said in my unboxing videos a few times this year, I like to have the following;
Something to Keep, Something to Use, Something to Do, Something for Self Care, Something to Wear, Something to Eat, Something to Drink, Something to Gift and Something to Appreciate.
Do you like my motto? I believe that this is what I personally would like to see every month. I realise there are 9 thing in my motto, Treatbox contains anything from 6 to 10 items depending upon their value. Most of this year we have seen 8 items in a box.
What I love most from Treatbox are the Positive aspects, Socks, Scarves, Stationery and Craft Kits, so I would be more than happy to receive these items inside future boxes. Other items I would like to see in the coming boxes would be things like Emery Boards, Nail Art or Skin Art such as Tattoo’s or Stickers.
A yearly planner inside a box is also a great thing, I am not so much into diary writing these days but I journal and keep a weekly planner, as well as a monthly house calendar (so we know what is what). Useful items are the key to making boxes great, because they last far longer than the edible or drinkable item, we need a good mixture of items of singular use and enjoyment versus an item used all month long and beyond.
So in summary, more of the same like this year, a great variety and high quality items, interesting themes and of course the usual Treatbox original staples like the socks and stationery!

Thank you for reading this blog post today, sorry it’s a long one! And I do hope that you have enjoyed looking back at a whole year worth of Treatbox UK with me.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year, I cannot believe this is my final blog post of 2022 (or it would have been as I couldn’t submit it live as the website had issues) and I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store! Hopefully more boxes and more product reviews! I also have some lifestyle things in the pipeline as well.
Have a great New Year!
Don’t forget to follow me on my social media for more updates and individual
product reviews as well as witnessing the items in use too.
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✩ Sabrina ✩