Hello again, it’s time for another Treatbox unboxing! Where on earth did April disappear to?

What is Inside the May 2022 Treatbox UK box?
May 2022 Calendar Print
Mindful Scratch Off Calendar – scratch one off every day whichever you are drawn to
Drawstring Bag made from Organic Cotton
English Tea Shop – 2 x Tea Bags of Comfort Me Tea
Mindful Journal – Treatbox Original Product
Pink Himalayan and Rose Petal Bath Salts
Mindful Cards – Treatbox Original Products x 10
White Quartz Moon Crystal and Card

What is my Honest Opinion of this Box?
Well let me begin with what I loved, because I thought that the Journal was extra special with all the time that has gone into making it unique with many various pages that would suit everyone. I look forward to using it! I also adore the Moon Crystal too. Those Mindful Cards had beautiful designs and quotes on them which is something close to my heart and right up my street. These are my top 3 items in the box this month.
The tea bags look tasty and smell nice, I look forward to those. The Bath Salts also smell lovely and delicate and I think it will make a nice relaxing bath (if I ever get the time to enjoy one – ha ha!).
The Cosmetics Bag has such a unique design and is ideal for either handbag or overnight stays. I currently use the previous bag of this kind from an older Treatbox in my hand bag, so I plan to use this one when I go into Hospital in a few weeks time for my toiletries. It’s just the right size for the basics!
The scratch off Calendar is pretty neat too! I look forward to seeing what it suggests for me over the coming days in May! If I manage to match it with something else in my day I’m sure I will pop it on my social media. As with any products that I review you can see them in use on my Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks for reading my Reveal today, and if you enjoyed it then don’t forget to follow all my socials for all the latest photography and opinions on the Treatbox UK products when in use.
I use Severn Wishes Blog mainly for my Lifestyle Blogging and a variety of Reviews, so there is always something for everyone! Please check out my latest posts after you’re finished with this one.
Have a wonderful May!
✩ Sabrina ✩