Welcome one and all to the
September Treatbox Reveal and Review!
My apologies for this post being so late in the month, there was a mix up with my box so I have only just received it! But what a fabulous box of treats it is!
Read on to find out exactly what! With pictures too!

An awesome and very cute Calendar Print (Yay!)
A beautiful Scarf, blush Pink with patterns of Hearts or Chevrons (Picked at Random) (It’s so soft!)
Daily Concepts Daily Lip Scrubber
Tray Bakes Honeycomb Crunch Bar (Mmm!)
the Little Coffee Bag Co. Black or White Coffee Bag
Treatbox Unique Key Ring with Inspirational Quotes
Paper Bag of Treatbox Special Daily Affirmation Cards

What Do I Love Most In This Box?
I cannot express how happy I was to see the Calendar Print! I love it too being a Cat related image! It has gone straight on to my Fridge. I do hope this will be a regular occurrence again! If so, then fab!
I adore the scarf it is both pretty and soft, and the pattern is versatile enough to go with anything in my wardrobe.
The Lip Scrubber is really useful and a very handy product considering we are now entering into Autumn and Winter. A good idea to have in your bathroom in case of dry lips!
I haven’t eaten the Treat Bar yet, but it sounds delicious! And I have gifted the Coffee Bag to my Mother who adores her Coffee, I am not fond of it in all honesty. I’m sure she will enjoy it!
The Affirmation Cards are wonderful! Just when you need a pick me up they are right there. Wonderful quaint designs and they say all the right things. I have popped two of them on my fridge along with my calendar, because as someone who is currently working through a low self esteem, it’s really nice to have reminders such as, “I am enough” and “I am strong” etc.
I love the pink theme this month, to be honest the whole box is well thought out. I am also ecstatic because there isn’t a face or eye mask in sight! Hurrah! *Dances* I really hope this is a good move and a turning point, because if it is then I am happy to continue my subscription. I want (as I’m sure many of you do) a Treat to eat or drink, something to cherish or wear, something to do and enjoy and something to inspire. The calendar print I would love to see return, as I would also love to see A5 prints perhaps. I have a few of the A4 ones from the last 3 years of boxes framed around my home and I still adore them.
I am very much looking forward to my October box now, I hope it is full of inspiring things and perhaps an Autumnal theme…
If you want to read any of my reviews on previous boxes then please click the category Treatbox.

Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes today, I hope you have enjoyed the Review of this September Treatbox. I hope to see you here again soon for another one of my Reviews.
In these uncertain times it’s nice to have a box of joy arrive on my doorstep, I very much love how Treatbox does that.
✩ Sabrina ✩

Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.