Sabrina is a Lifestyle, Parenting and Product Review Blogger. A Writer, Photographer, Reviewer, Home Cook, Crafter & Nature Enthusiast. You will find a bit of all those categories here on Severn Wishes Blog, Welcome to Sabrina's Lifestyle Blogging & Honest Reviews.
✩ My Opinion of the May Box Contents ✩ What I really liked this time around were the themed products and how most of them were handbag size. Most were Vegan and Cruelty Free as well. I am looking forward to enjoying the honeycomb chocolate on a day that my son is away (as it contains dairy and he has allergies). And the Wax Melts smell lovely! They are currently making my lounge smell beautiful without even the need to melt them, it smells so strong through the packaging and such a Spring like scent!
The bag is so cool! Cannot believe you’re now doing things like this in house at Treatbox HQ! They look amazing! The hand cream is lovely and smells nice.
Love the Bee theme! The Print and the Cards are all lovely and very well appreciated during this difficult time. It’s nice to get little reminders to look after yourself. As a single mum some days I might not get another adult conversation and I am often busy and tired. Treatbox is a little pick me up which contains even more little bits and bobs to remind me that “I’m Amazing” – so thanks Treatbox!
Did you know that you can view all of my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.
Thank you for joining me while I Review and Reveal this May Treatbox! If you liked it why not check out my other reviews too!Have a great remainder of May!
Today on my blog I am talking about those gorgeous mini rose bush plants you can buy them in your local supermarket. You can usually get one for around £3-£5 for a plant, sometimes they come in a pretty little pot as well. When choosing one, go for one with a nice thick and healthy main stem and with buds that are still yet to open and flower.
The Supermarket Rose is a beautiful gift for someone who just to brighten up your windowsill. I have had two yellow roses and a pink rose in the last two years. You can often find them in Red, Peach and even a pale White shade of Rose petals. Supermarkets usually stock a wide range of colours, I like Yellow as I feel it brightens up a room.
So many people toss their little Rose bushes into the bin when they finish flowering. One reason for this is because they see the label which often reads “Guaranteed to Flower for 14 days” and they presume that after this flowering rose is finished blooming then the plant is now obsolete, and that is so wrong! Did you know that with a little love and care you can make your little Rose last for months or even years? And they will flower again!
Well in this blog post I am going to tell you just how and why you should keep them. Here are my main 3 Reasons…
Reason 1. They can survive inside or outside! I will go into how you would care for each in a moment.
Reason 2. You sometimes get extra growth of the original plant after a couple of months, and some plants can be re-potted into more than one Rose bush. Then you could keep one for yourself and gift away the other if you like!
Reason 3. Looking after plants during difficult and uncertain times can help your mental health by giving you something to care for and focus on. It will also produce flowers several times a year to brighten up your home.
Just after I had separated the Rose Stems off and then set them back onto my windowsill.
They soon grew and grew and grew… and flowered again!
Keeping Your Rose Inside or Outside
Inside A nice regular sized pot and a windowsill with half sun and half shade, your Rose bush should thrive here. Water it every day, keeping the soil damp and remove dead leaves and dead flowers to prolong its growth. Leave it inside the pot it comes in until all the flowers have finished, and then you can re-pot it into something prettier if you’d like, pop a few stones at the base to allow for drainage and if you’re increasing the pot size to allow for growth use some moisture controlling compost.
Check the plant if and when you re-pot it. You may find it has two separate stems and roots systems, if that is the case you can do as I did above (image) and pot in two pots and then you’ll end up with two plants.
Outside A pot of any size because the bush will grow into it. But in order to be liveable outside and to survive the Winter you must do two things. One, is to line the pot with a sheet of bubble wrap plastic, this is to keep the roots safe from any frost. And two, you also need to put a few stones in the base and place the plant into some moisture controlling compost, which will retain water so as to keep the plant nourished. You must water it regularly in warm weather and do not let the pot dry out.
So far my Pink Outdoor Supermarket Rose is coming up to its third year in a pot outside. I got lots of flowers on it in June, I also gave it some flower food once the flowers began to show their buds. As you can see I had some rich new green leaves grow this summer. I may need to re-pot it into a larger pot next summer if it grows again.
The image below is of my Yellow Rose Plants, they were separated in the Spring and now it is September, they have more than doubled in size. They are now flowering for the fourth time this year. They are getting quite big now for my kitchen, I am contemplating potting them outside on a sunny day in the Autumn, I have some left over bubble wrap from my recent move ready to wrap around them to keep the roots warm and protected from any frost we might have. They have loved their new position in my new home, since July they have been on that kitchen window, and it gets lots of light.
I have treated myself to a new little rose now too, to start this process off all over again. I got this cute little plant from Aldi for just £1.79! Bargain! Gorgeous Pink colour!
My plan is to grow this Rose to the same size as my yellow ones while indoors, then plant outdoors next late Spring time. Hopefully it can reach a similar size.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog post, please let me know if you’d like to see more like this, such as gardening related or tips on making the most of supermarket purchases.
I ordered some Strawberry plants from a website online, the company was called Gardeners Dream Ltd. A friend of mine recommended them to me. They had a wide range of things to choose from and I browsed at length. That day I was only looking to purchase one thing though, that was Strawberry Plants.
My son adores this fruit and I thought why not invest in some plants that I can keep in pots and they can give us fruit every summer (when looked after appropriately of course).
They send the dried plants in the post in a few days, I even had free delivery which was an added bonus for me. Each time you choose an item you receive 5 plants. I chose two different types of Strawberry plants, but those with larger fruits and hardy plants against disease and bugs.
Due to lockdown they took a few days to arrive but I didn’t mind. They were well packaged and I followed the instructions that the website had given me. I saved them on to my phone when I chose which I wanted to buy.
After I had soaked them overnight in lukewarm water they were ready for planting. I once again followed the websites instructions for this as well. Ensuring I planted up to a certain part of the plants.
Within days they were revitalised, green leaves began to grow, it was with the help of all the compost and soil I had prepared before getting them. They looked healthy in the compost (that I luckily had in the garage because I couldn’t get any from anywhere right now if I needed some!) but I still gave them a little plant food as well when I watered them well for the first few days.
Now they look very healthy and have tripled in size, growing lots of fresh new leaves as well, as you can see in my image below.
Overall my experience using Gardeners Dream has been a good one and I would recommend their service, their plant advice and their website as a whole to anyone looking to grow their own this summer.
Baring in mind that it’s too late to plant some things now because I did these in early April and some things require planting even earlier in the year. But they also do other plants and flowering ones too if you’re looking to brighten up an area of your garden this year.
Here is the link to the Gardeners Dream website if you wanted to take a browse for yourself.
Here is the direct link to what Strawberry Plants they have for sale on their website.
Thanks for visiting my blog today, have a lovely evening!
Hello and Welcome to the June 2018 Treatbox Reveal with Sabrina of Severn Wishes Blog.
Happy Treat Box Day Everyone! I have had a busy weekend with family, I realise I am bringing you this Reveal a few days later than usual, sorry! I do hope that you’ll still enjoy my review.
This month the theme is Sunshine and Gardening! When I open up the box first of all I can see the Calendar Print staring back at me and also a pretty A5 print too!
As I open bright pink coloured tissue paper with a sticker that reads “Bloom Where You Are Planted” I can see a variety of bright items.
Here are all of the items in the June 2018 Treatbox. (Remember they can vary slightly!).
This month there are 7 items in the Treatbox plus a Calendar Print and an A5 Print.
Calendar Print for June 2018 – Sunflowers Treatbox Sunflower Seeds Treatbox “You Are My Sunshine” Wish Upon A String Bracelet Summer Meadow Citrus Scented Mini Wipes Decoration – Garden Plaque “In Our Garden We Plant Dreams & Grow Miracles” Meal Planner and Shopping List Notepad Vintage Looking Slanted Tweezers Merci Handy – Hand Cream A5 Print – “Bloom Where You Are Planted” with Flowers
Here is a selection of my photographs of this month’s box, I hope you enjoy seeing the items up close and if you have any questions then please leave me a comment at the end of the post, I will do my best to find you an answer.
My Favourites
My favourite pieces from this box are the Seeds, Meal Planner Notepad, Wish Upon A String and the Print. All these items are good quality and worthwhile to have or to use. I have always liked the idea of Wish On A String Bracelets and the Print is lovely. I will definitely be using the Planner because I generally am an organisation freak so this is perfect for my lifestyle! The Seeds are a great addition to the box this month, something that you can enjoy as a family and an activity like planting gets you outside and enjoying fresh air too – a bonus!
My Overall Opinion
I really liked the theme this month with sunshine and gardening, two things I love! The items were a nice mixture of things this month, things to do, to wear, to keep and to enjoy. Nothing stood out to me particularly but I also thought the quality overall was good. There were a couple of items that were “new” as in we hadn’t received anything of this kind while I have been subscribed. This was a nice bonus this month and I’m happy that the majority of the June box will be used and enjoyed by my family and I.
Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone?
Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their website
If you aren’t sure on whether to try a TreatBox for yourself or not I would say order a one off box, and then if you’re happy with it you can always subscribe afterwards. Check out my previous posts on the Treat Boxes I have received so far, in this unique category of my website called ‘Treatbox’ especially for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes – TREATBOX
Thanks for reading this months box reveal today, if you have any thoughts you would like to share or if you have purchased a box after reading one of my reviews then I would love to hear your from you, why not leave me a little comment in the section below.
Also if you have any questions about any of the items from this month’s Treatbox then please get in touch I am more than happy to answer them if I can.
If you enjoyed this post then why not check out my Reveal Video, click the link to see this latest one on my channel right HERE
Thanks for reading this post everyone! If you manage to watch my video right through to the end you will already know this, but I have to admit to you all that Treatbox might need to take a back seat on my blog for a while.
Although I have really enjoyed the Reveals of the months and years that I have been subscribed, my baby is coming soon and I won’t be able to put in the time and effort I would usually with the boxes. I don’t want to miss out, and I also enjoy the treats for myself once a month that I receive. But I have also noticed there are a few items in recent boxes that haven’t been suitable for me, this means I’m not enjoying the box to it’s full potential. I’m currently deciding whether or not I will stay subscribed, if I do then it won’t be to do a video reveal, only a photographic one.
So watch this space folks! And don’t forget Severn Wishes isn’t just about Treatbox! I write about every aspect of my life and review many a variety of things.
Thank you for your ongoing support, have a wonderful June!
✩ Sabrina ✩
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