Spend a few minutes a week wisely online by using Free Websites to Win Cash and Prizes.

Screenshot from PMP website

Hello everyone! It’s the final few days of February, lets end it on a positive note!

Have you ever wondered how you could be more productive with that time you spend scrolling on your phone? Would you also love the chance to win some free money? And no this is not a scam.

Well today I am going to show you two websites, give you my referrals for them so you can join up too, and show you how to make some free money if you get lucky.

Website number one for you to check out is all about your Postcode. Every day I spend less than five minutes checking my phone on a website called PickMyPostcode or PMP for short. Here you sign up with the postcode at your home address, and if your postcode comes up in one of their many draws then you get the free cash! I won £10 a few years ago and I am hoping that it won’t be long before I win again. There are more than 15 UK postcodes drawn every day across the draws so it can happen.

There are draws at 9am and 9pm called Stackpot. There is also a range of draws at Midday and one at 6pm which is a cheeky additional draw that’s right at the bottom of the page. It takes seconds to check each one, and if it’s a match to your postcode it will say CLAIM / COLLECT next to it. Then you can withdraw it to your PayPal account.

Here is a photo of today’s (27th February) draws and amounts.

Screenshot of the PMP Website

I must mention as well that you accumulate a bonus with this website, a penny for every single draw page you check. It soon adds up let me tell you. I am up to £65 now, and what happens is your bonus gets paid out to you when your postcode comes up. That’s double reasons to check it I think.

Amounts for draws vary but are usually from £5 to £100, but if they roll over for a few days when people don’t claim then you could see prize amounts in the region of £1000! So it’s important that you do check it every single day in case it’s your postcode that’s been drawn.

If this interests you then please click the link below this sentence and it will take you to the site where you can sign up. All you need is an email address and your postcode and it’s free to do.


Screenshot of the ITV Win website

So another awesome website that gives out free cash and prizes once a week on a Wednesday is ITV WIN. I only joined ITV Win at the end of last year, but I already won tokens to enter other competitions and £5 in Cash. This one is slightly more time consuming, but you sign up for ITV Win with your details including mobile number, email address and name, and you receive a profile where you can then pay to enter ITV competitions online, enter the free competitions when they are available, and also access WINSDAY. And it’s the Winsday section that you want.

Winsday occurs every Wednesday, and any tickets you’ve accumulated get drawn at random. If your ticket number matches you could win Prizes, Cash or Tokens. How you get the tickets is fairly straight forward too. Once you’ve made your account you go from the top of your profile and scroll down and you’ll see the Winsday graphic on the website. Clicking on it takes you to a video stream. You simply watch a few ITV adverts for things like Masked Singer, This Morning, Ant & Dec, Reality TV and Dramas, and as you watch the Ad’s tickets pop up and you tap them to collect. It keeps a tally for you bottom right of the video stream and your maximum is 30 a week. On average a ticket pops every 1-2 minutes, so I usually watch this a few nights a week while I am stirring the dinner or waiting for the veg in the oven say. Within 20 minutes I’ve got myself a few tickets for free, and they are drawn on a Wednesday afternoon. Just check your profile from Wednesday evening onwards to see if you have won anything.

Screenshot of when a ticket popped up for me today on Winsday video stream.
Screenshot of my account on ITV WIN showing I have 6 tickets so far this week.

When I won £5 a few weeks ago it was easy to withdraw it from my profile as well.

ITV WIN is a great way to try and win things for free and it’s certainly worth it when they draw hundreds of prizes for free every week for its members. Why not give it a try and see how easy it is to (hopefully) win some free money.

Below this sentence is the link to the ITV Win website through my referral and it’s free to sign up.


✩ ✩ ✩

I hope that you have found this blog post interesting today, I would love to hear from you if you do either of these already or if you’re going to sign up now that I have brought them to your attention. Remember that signs ups are only for people living in the United Kingdom.

Thank you and have a really lovely day! Good luck if you sign up!

✩ Sabrina ✩

N.B I am not endorsed or sponsored by either of these companies I am simply trying to give people the opportunity to win things for free, this is what I do myself every week. This post is not a sponsored and I am not getting anything for bringing these websites to your attention, I am just being a good citizen!
Good luck and thanks for visiting Severn Wishes Blog today.

Fantastic Quality Magnetic Weekly Whiteboard from Tesco allows you to Plan for the Week ahead with ease

Hello and Welcome to my blog!
Today I am writing up another product review for you from a recent purchase that I really felt the need to shout about.

The Tesco Magnetic Planner Board was only £3.00 in my local Tesco Extra store. Not only is that great value for money, but it is high quality throughout. As a whiteboard it’s both easy to write on and easy to see with the contrast in white board and black pen.

Inside the cellophane you get the white board planner with the seven days of the week and space to write on the other side. You find two magnetic strips with sticky tape attached so that you can align them and stick them down to suit your needs. Having this board on the fridge in the kitchen is a great idea for keeping track of meals. But you may want to use it for appointments or children’s activities, it’s so versatile.

I bought this to be a meal planner, and was pleasantly surprised when I opened up the pen to find that not only does it write well and smooth, but it has a sponge attached on the lid part so that you can use it to rub writing out once you’re done! That means no more wasting kitchen roll towels cleaning off the board! Another big tick for me!
You can also recycle the cellophane the board comes wrapped in at your local Tesco too.

Something else very useful is that the pen does have a designated stand and loop to go into at the top of the board, however there is also a magnet attached to the pen lid squared off part too! Meaning you can even have the pen anywhere on your fridge. Handy!

My final thought about this planner is how well it’s design has been thought out, it doesn’t take up too much space because it’s only 16cm wide by 23cm high. Even if you have a small kitchen like I do, it’s still ideal. The only way I would see you needing more of these would be if you had many children and you wanted to keep track of each one with multiple activities and appointments, which isn’t a bad thing at £3 a board you could get several.

As a mother who has a son with multiple food allergies I always write down the meals that we have had either together or separately because if any reactions were to occur I can refer back to the board that way. I have chosen to buy this so that I am not using as much paper, as I had previously written out my meal planners for the week on a Sunday and then clipped them to the fridge. This board is far more practical and if plans change it is easy to alter it too.

My Final Product Review Scores

Quality 5✩
Product Design 5✩
Product Cost 5✩
Features 5✩
Versatility 5✩

That’s a score of 5/5 and it means I highly recommend this product.

My TOP TIP would be to use this as a meal planner, you can also do one
board per child as an activities board, you can have one board as a family
board which looks at appointments and schedules. The list is endless but
you can decide what you would use yours for, and now thanks to me you
know where to find one!

Thank you for reading this product review today, I hope
I have inspired you to get a planner of your own.

Let me know what you would use yours for!

This product is my Monday Mum Hack for Monday 20th of February
too, why not check out my video on my Instagram.

✩ Sabrina ✩

Sabrina’s Chunky Pasta Sauce Made in 5 Minutes

Sometimes all we want is a quick evening meal after a long day, so we decide on a fast cooking protein and/or carbohydrate like pasta but we then need a sauce. Only we open up the cupboards and find no jars in sight! Well fear not if this is you every once in a while! Because with my 5 minute sauce you’ll be serving up your food in no time!

Pop your pasta or rice or whatever else on to boil in the background. Then search your fridge and cupboard for any of the following items;

Tomato Puree
Salsa (Mild or Hot)
Chopped Tomatoes
Salt and Pepper
Italian Herbs or Herbs you like or Garlic too
Vegetables – Frozen or Fridge in rough chunks
Onion – Diced (Optional)

Step 1. If you have any onion fry this off in a saucepan until soft.

Step 2. Add 200ml of water to the saucepan now and add a small cup of chunky vegetables per person, easy if it’s out of your freezer but in case it isn’t… Any veg will do like peas or carrots! Just make sure if it’s fresh it’s washed (and carrots peeled) and then cut into small chunks. Add more water now just enough to cover the vegetables and bring it to the boil.

Step 3. While your veggies cook you need to make the sauce part, take all of your chosen ingredients out and put them next to your cooker, also get a tablespoon to measure with. Open any tins that you have like chopped tomatoes and wait for the veg to soften.

Step 4. Once the Veggies are soft carefully drain the water away from your saucepan, then place it back on to the cooker and begin to add the sauce elements.

Step 5. Add in 2-3 Tablespoons of Salsa, 2-3 Tablespoons of Tomato Puree.
Season to your taste with herbs, pepper, garlic etc. A sprinkle of salt is all you need.

Step 6. Mix this all together and now add in your chopped tomatoes, stir well, then return the saucepan to the heat and cook for another couple of minutes until it is hot throughout.

Step 7. Serve with your chosen accompaniment like Pasta, Rice or a Meat like Chicken.

Sprinkle some (I have Dairy Free) Cheese on top too if you like! Delicious!

Thank you for reading this Recipe Blog Post today!

I hope you have a great start to your week.

If you make my chunky pasta sauce I would love to know what you thought of it!

There are tons of Recipes here on my blog, check out the category here
called Sabrina’s Cooking in Minutes.

✩ Sabrina ✩

February 2023 Treatbox Reveal and Review

That’s it! The longest month of the year is over! Ha! Ha!

January is forgotten as we move into the new month, and February has lots of things in store for us including the arrival of Winter Flowers and the start of Spring Blooms. There is nothing I like more in Winter than a crisp sunny day, taking a walk among the snowdrops…

Well there is something I like just as much as that, and that’s opening my Treatbox! My little treat to myself, a box once a month filled with a host of items just for me!

February TreatboxUK promises to be a good one as I open up the Calendar Print so as to discover what’s inside the tissue paper. If you would prefer to watch my unboxing video than to read this post you can find it just HERE

Let’s see what was revealed for February 2023…

What’s Inside the February 2023 TreatboxUK

February Calendar Print
Treatbox Original Self Care Cards Set x 9
Treatbox Original Heart Print Lilac Socks
Treatbox Original Keyring Lilac & Pink “what a good day to be proud of how far you have come”
Caramel, Raspberry & Dark Chocolate Popcorn from Popcorn Shed “Berry-Licious” 24g GF
Cocoba “Eat Drink Love” Chocolate Spoon with Marshmallow Hearts 50g
Miss Patisserie Bath Slab in Watermelon Scent 200g Vegan

My Honest Opinion on the Box

February 2023 from TreatboxUK is an uplifting and positivity filled box of treats. We once again received a mixture, so we have an item to eat, an item to make into a drink, something we can keep, something to wear, something to use and something that gives us a positive boost.

I really love the smell of the Watermelon Bath Slab, I haven’t had the time to open it and run myself a bath as yet! But the smell is so lovely it’s on my dining table making the room smell so nice for now! I also look forward to enjoying the hot chocolate spoon, but this is something I can only have when my son is away at his Dad’s due to all of his allergies, I shall be able to enjoy it later this month! And I will post it on my Instagram when I finally do!

We also have the Popcorn which sounds like the TASTIEST flavours ever! I am saving this for Valentine’s Day because (as a single mum) I need something tasty to devour once my little boy is in bed! I’m excited! Raspberry and Dark Chocolate are a winning combination but to also pair it with Caramel… You’re looking at the woman who always keeps Toffee Popcorn in her cupboard so yes, cannot wait! Great choice!

The keyring and it’s quote are uplifting and we also see the theme repeated between this and the socks, the lilac and pink colour scheme. Speaking of sock… so soft and the usual TreatboxUK quality that we have come to know and love! Most days I am wearing a pair of TreatboxUK socks now, as I own more than a weeks worth. They wash and wear brilliantly! Highly recommend them if you ever build a box on the website for anyone definitely add in socks!

Finally we have the TreatboxUK Original items, the Calendar Print and the Self Care Cards. I’m going to be sharing more photo’s of these cards on my social media during the month, some are very poignant like “Stop being so hard on yourself” and “If today was heavy put it down and let it go”. Both are just some of the excellent meaningful quotes and phrases in this pile of 9 cards. You could choose one at random every day to read, or you could pop them around your home so you see them while doing things. Either way they are important acknowledgments about how busy our lives can get, and how stressful things can be, that we all should love ourselves a little bit more and take some time for self care.

Overall I have enjoyed unboxing this February 2023 box and I look forward to consuming and using all of the products that were inside. Hopefully you’ll be able to see more of them on my social media as the weeks of the month progress. I think my favourite item is going to be the popcorn, I hope it’s as tasty as it sounds, and of course I adore the socks.

Thank you for reading this unboxing blog post today, I hope you have enjoyed it.

Don’t forget to follow me across social media for more updates and individual
product reviews as well as witnessing these items I just told you all about in use too. I like to do mini reviews when I can on my socials.

Search #SevernWishesBlog on Google or #SevernSabrina on Instagram
Alternatively click here to follow me on Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

Have a great February! See you again soon!

✩ Sabrina ✩