My Top Handbag Essentials For Getting Through Autumn/Winter

My Top Handbag Essentials For Getting Through Autumn and Winter.

It’s official, it’s gone really cold here in the United Kingdom. So I thought I would do a short blog post today explaining my handbag essentials.

Most of us carry a larger bag in the Winter because we need more space for the things that we require such as gloves or socks.

Here is my list of Autumn/Winter essentials that I often bring with me, especially if it’s going to be a long day out. You never know when the weather might change so it’s always good to be prepared. Some of these things don’t even weigh much so they aren’t inconvenient.

My Autumn And Winter Handbag Essentials

Arm Warmers
Comfortable Socks
Tiny Bottled Water
Lip Balm
Hand Cream
Hand Sanitiser
Packet of Tissues
Compact Mirror
Mini Torch
Rolled Up Bag

Let me explain a little bit about why I carry certain items. If you feel the cold like I do, little things like Gloves and Arm Warmers can make a big difference. Say you catch a bus, and it’s late on your route home. If you have these things with you and it suddenly gets colder you are prepared.

The same thing goes for the Water and the Tissues, you just never know when you may need these items so it’s a good idea to carry them all year around not just these colder months. I always carry Hand Cream for my dry skin and the Lip Balm for keeping my lips smooth, I use these more so in the Winter but they live in my bags throughout the year.

The torch is somewhat of a personal choice, it’s difficult to put my key in my front door after dark as you cannot see the keyhole, a mini torch is a great way to stay safe if you’re walking in the Winter evenings as well as useful in circumstances such as the one I mentioned.

I hope that you have enjoyed this little insight into my lifestyle! If you have any questions about where I got any of the items shown please leave me a comment
Have a wonderful day!


Ideal Christmas Gifts On A Budget

Christmas Gifts On A Budget

Have you been stumped by what to get a friend or loved one this Christmas?
Have you shopped around – like, really shopped around and are still stuck?
Have you ever considered making something unique?
Ever thought of a Subscription Gift?

If the answer to any of those is yes, then please keep on reading because I might just have some Christmas tricks and tips for you! And hopefully a huge array of ideas too!

What To Get For Those Who Are A Little Picky

Subscription Boxes are a great way to give a gift that keeps on giving, and for anything between £12 and £30 you can subscribe a loved one to something amazing. Some companies that I have tried also offer up deals where you to pay for three months upfront for example, and it gets delivered to the recipients home. There are also brands that do one off Christmas Boxes too, pay for a one off box and that also gets delivered through the door.

Try and think about what someone loves, and then go from there…

Here are some places that I have tried personally, and if you want to read any of my reviews on any of these then just look for the categories off my main page. There are loads more out there too, just google subscription boxes for more ideas if none of these take your fancy.

Not all of the companies below are Subscription Boxes, but some of them provide presents within presents and gift boxed items as part of their service. This saves you time this Christmas too!

Artemis and Xena – for those who enjoy meditation, positivity and relaxing boxes.
Birchbox – for makeup and cosmetics lovers!
Cherry Diva – for Jewellery lovers they have something for everyone’s tastes.
JewelCandle – Any Candle and Jewellery Lovers in the family?
Jewellery Box UK – A company who have amazing jewellery choices and great gifts.
Secret Scent Box – for people who love to try new fragrances.
Treatbox – literally a box of treats that you can either subscribe to or you can make your own unique box!

Artemis and Xena (above) are offering a special box this Christmas, it’s a 12 days advent box for £19.99. The 12 items wrapped individually in Christmas wrapping paper numbered 1 -12  These items will vary per box so that no individual will receive the exact same items making this a unique gift.

Some things you could find include: Makeup, Stationary, Skincare, Cards, Creative Activities, Nail Varnish, Organisers, Keyrings, Soap, Bath bombs, Notebooks, Planners, Postcards, Sticky Notes, Masks, Body lotion, Lipstick, Glitter, Eyeshadow, Perfume, Hair care, Temporary Tattoos, Stickers, Organic products, Local products, Nail art, bags, purses and more!

They are also offering a special Mystery Box in December. On their website it says this… “Find 5 random items in your box. Each box will be unique so you won’t receive the same box as anyone else! There are NO spoilers so it’s perfect if you love surprises!” Because these are one-off boxes there is no subscription and they make great gifts.

Mystery Box Link Available In December


Birchbox is usually a monthly Subscription service for makeup, cosmetics and beauty lovers. They offer some boxes for December and arriving for Christmas so it might be worth a look if you are gifting to someone who loves this stuff!

Here is their page for anyone wanting to know more about Gifting a Box for Christmas.

Birchbox Gifting Boxes

JewelCandle is a company who specialise in jewellery hidden inside candles.

You can find out all about these gifts within gifts over on their website. They have a range of flavours of Candle and also a range of jewellery types that goes in them.

JewelCandle Website

Secret Scent Box is a company based in the UK which allows the subscriber to discover new designer fragrances each month. Every box you subscribe to you will get 3 designer perfumes or colognes delivered through your letterbox from just £13! If you know someone that adores smelling good then perhaps this is a great Christmas idea for them…

Secret Scent Box Website

Treatbox – Christmas Box or Subscriptions

I am currently subscribed to Treatbox and receive a box each month through my door. They are always themed and can be literally anything! Homeware, Beauty, Edible Treats, Creative Items, Wearable Items and so much more.

In the Treatbox shop the owner also creates special boxes and one off boxes, as well as build your own too! This is worth a look at the website if you think you could be in the mood for choosing items for your loved ones to open up in a box.

Treatbox Main
Treatbox Specials
Treatbox Build Your Own

So You Have Started Christmas Shopping, But Have You Shopped Around?

So most people tend to go to the same old places year after year for their presents, they don’t try anything new. I know people who have never done a search on Amazon, or gone to their local town and searched for independent stores.
Have you ever tried looking for self employed people on Facebook as well?
I have bought things from British businesses for many years now, it’s a good deed and keeps money within our economy. You’re also helping a small business keep going and there are so many talented folk out there doing all sorts of things.

Here are some Facebook businesses that I have ordered from either this year or the past two years while I have been blogging. I recommend the service from each of them. But you’ve got to be quick, a lot close their order books at the start of December.

The Laser Boutique – Wooden Toys and Gifts – Personalised
The Crafty Giraffe – Personalised Engraved Gifts
Awesome Wooden Gifts – Now has her main page over on Etsy so check it out if you want gifts about Mushrooms, Unicorns and Magic…

Don’t be afraid to search for what you want using google and/or Facebook there are so many talented people out there. Check out some of my reviews on my categories too!

Have You Considered Making Someone A Unique Gift?

Sometimes the best thing to do, when you cannot find what you’re looking for, is to make it. You need to decide your budget and then figure out what you will spend on each item.

I once designed photo frames for friends, these days you can buy frames for as little as £1 and then all you need is some paint and added details like sequins or stickers.

I have a How To Make section on the blog too go check it out after this post!

Here are a few ideas on simple things that you could make for a friend or family member this year.  Check out the posts under my “Christmas” category as well for more Christmas gift ideas too! And check out my “Sabrina’s How To Make” category too!

Bracelets or Necklaces
Photo Frame Designs
Trinket Boxes
Memory Boxes
Candle Pots
Makeup Pots

If you have any questions about how you would make something then please get in touch. If you cannot find it already on my blog I will be making lots of gift related posts that will go up in the coming weeks, watch out for those “How To Make” pages!

Hopefully you’ve gotten some great ideas from this post, if not though don’t despair, there will be loads more of my Christmas Gift posts coming up throughout November.


Sabrina’s How To Make Your Own Christmas Boxes

✩ Welcome to Sabrina’s How To Make Your Very Own Christmas Boxes ✩​ 

I know that so many of you will be thinking, but why don’t I just buy a Christmas box? Well if you don’t have much time then of course by all means do just that. But let me first explain to you why I think you should give this little craft project a chance.

Having browsed the internet for other kinds of Christmas Boxes I was astounded to find that they can range between £5.99 to £15.00 for just an empty one! And if you wanted gifts inside it too? Well you’re looking at around £25.00 and upwards for boxes with items already packed.

It sounds like a lot to me and honestly it is, when you add in a delivery charge too. I think that companies like these are great if you don’t have any time or creativity, and the money to spend, but this craft project is so easy to do, why not try and make just the one box with me?

I will now tell you how much it has cost me to make one of my basic boxes… So nothing inside it, just the box all done up pretty and ready to be used…

Each Box has Cost me Around £1.50 to make! Yes just £1.50!

Here is how I worked it out… I bought a roll of 12 metre Christmas wrapping paper from Primark for 90p, the boxes themselves were free because I picked them up from my place of work and supermarkets, and the only other things that you’ll need you probably have in your house already, but in case not here is the list…

You Will Need✩ A Ruler ✩ A Pencil or Pen ✩ Sellotape ✩ Stickers 

You get the idea. You will also need some bits to decorate after and (if you’re gifting this box) a Christmas Tag. These are the things that make up the rest of those £1.50 worth of spent pennies! I have now made 6 boxes for my family, using half of two rolls of paper, one roll of sellotape and 6 gift tags… So you get how cheap it is right? Now you need time!

Is this an easy craft project? Yes it is, providing you have around an hour to two hours spare and all of the items mentioned. Children would need adult help and supervision with the cutting but they could do the sticking into place with some guidance. It’s more fun for them to decorate their boxes, add in some paper to the mix and they could do festive drawings that you could then cut out and stick on top of the box even!

What tips can I give? Take your time, cut correctly and carefully with the scissors. Remember you can do any sized box, so it could be really large to house a massive present, or you could make a jewellery box size one instead of using a gift bag. Write down a list of what you would use the boxes for and also what sizes you may need. Gather everything you will require to do this before you start, and make sure it’s somewhere flat surfaced and comfortable – we don’t want any bad backs!

Here is a photograph of some of my finished boxes, you could make one even better using your imagination.

I think the best thing for you all to do is watch my video first, and then come back to the blog to go through the step by step. It’s easier than you think, plus then you can have the time to gather what you need (if anything) and work along with the post.



Step 1. Lay out your paper on a flat surface white side up, using a piece of scrap paper and a pen, take the box measurements.

Step 2. With a Ruler and Pencil mark down on the paper (with the white side up) what pieces you need to cut. (If you have a no hinge box you could draw around its lid and base and then just measure the sides).

Step 3. Carefully cut out all the paper parts and label the white side in pencil which part will stick to which part of the box.

Step 4. Begin to stick your pieces in place, remember the parts that need some over hang are the parts you stick on first (sides and top in my video).

Step 5. Once you have all the paper pieces in place, trimmed any over hanging parts and neatly taped it all on the box, you will be ready to decorate.

Step 6. Decorate depending on the theme you have chosen for your box.

Step 7. Fill your box accordingly… Enjoy!



The most popular snowflakes are the six sided ones, follow this guide to make them, but remember that there are many folds, so don’t make your starting square too small or you’ll struggle to cut any pieces out of it…

Here is one of my designs (below) and it was fairly easy to make… this image on the shows you what the design would be (on the left) when you have cut the paper but not yet opened it and then (on the right) the finished paper snowflake…

I would love to see what you come up with, tag me on social media if you decide to make any snowflakes after seeing mine…


Why Make Them? 1. As An Alternative to a Stocking on Christmas Day
Why Make Them? 2. Use A Box Instead of a Gift Bag for Gifts
Why Make Them? 3. To Store All This Years Cards and Tags Inside
Why Make Them? 4. Use As A Christmas Eve Box For The Family

Christmas Boxes for Christmas Day – Sabrina’s Ideas

While making these boxes I had an idea, a great one if there are arguments between siblings on Christmas morning… I thought about putting all the families names in the box, the youngest of age picks out first and whoever gets their name pulled out gets the first present. Mum or Dad would have to count the gifts though and obviously write out the names corresponding to those gifts, but that way there would be no arguing. You could design the box as if it came from Santa, saying there will be no arguments and my magic box will decide who gets the next gift… It may have a treat inside too at the end of it… Think of it as a Pass the Parcel idea but with names relating to presents…

What to put Inside your Christmas Day Boxes

Mixed Festive Treats and Snacks
Game/s to play in a Group/s – Mini Jenga is great! Dominoes or Card Games!
Christmas Baked Goods from Christmas Eve if you made some!
A Festive Film to Watch together
Festive Coloured Paper so you can all make some Snowflakes
A Present or All Presents – Depending upon Size

If You Would Prefer To Make A Christmas Eve Box… designed for Families, Here are some of my ideas for putting inside yours…
A Christmas Book to read together – I loved the Snowman growing up!
A Christmas Cuddly Toy for each Child
Some Christmas Festive Snacks or Baked Items (1 per person)
A Game to play together – Junior Scrabble but you can only use Christmas words!
Christmas Cookie Cutters – if you’re bakers why not make something for Santa today
A Festive Film to watch before bed – there are so many now!
A New Decoration for each Family Member to put on this years Tree…
Food for Santa and his Reindeer – the kids can set it up on a plate before they go to bed

Pen and Paper – Get everyone to write down a wish for next year, roll it up and leave it for Santa to take with him…

Dependent on their age “A Project” – Writing A Wish / Thanking Santa for Something…

Here is one of my finished boxes… You can make the box any size you like! Perhaps you want one to hold a small present, perhaps to put some jewellery inside? You can use these boxes in so many ways, and you can make them whatever sizes you choose or need for your Christmas.

Remember you can decorate the top of it depending on what you decide to do with it. You can cut out letters or numbers that might be relating to your family, for example “Smith Family Christmas Eve Box” or “Christmas Memories for 2017″…

I know I keep explaining it but the possibilities are endless and I would personally have a little think as a family and jot some ideas down. It would make a lovely project to complete once school has finished too!

Christmas Boxes for Children instead of a Stocking – End of the Bed or By their Bedroom Door

If you have young children you might encourage them to stay in their bedroom on Christmas morning until a designated time. The best idea I had was inspired by something my mum did one year. That was to put our stocking in our room and tell us that we could have what was inside it, but we were not to go downstairs until a specific time on the clock. This keeps the child occupied for a while and allows the parents to get a well deserve lie in… hopefully! Here are my “Stocking Box” ideas…

An Edible Treat
A Short Game to Play
Christmas Drawing or Craft – Print off a Christmas Image and give them colours
A Recipe to Bake with Family Or Something You Can Use To Decorate from C-Eve
A Small Toy – Parents Choice
A Pack of Cards or a New Game – Teach Each Other Something New
One Small Present to Open in Bed
Instructions for the Day – Go Downstairs at a Certain Time…
A Fun Riddle or Quiz they have to get correct…

Here is one set of my Christmas Eve Box ideas, a pack of playing cards that have animals on them to teach your children while you play. Junior Scrabble is another great game for children! You could play but they are only allowed to put down Christmas related words! Cadbury Festive Friends are tasty chocolate biscuits shaped for the festive season that children can share. And the adults have to have something… Lindor Chocolates perhaps?! Festive Pens for some colouring thrown in there too… The box possibilities are as much as you can imagine!

Some Little Extra Traditions That Are Fun

Ideas to make your children believe what happened the evening before…

Use flour or fake snow on the kitchen floor to make Reindeer and Santa footprints like they came in at the back door OR if you actually have a chimney then do it there, and don’t forget to take bites out of all the food before the kids see it! They will be amazed!

What Is Still To Come On Severn Wishes…

I have a ton more blog posts to bring you this month, many are Christmas related, Gift related or Craft Related! I hope that you’ll come back to Severn Wishes soon for the next latest installments.

If you enjoyed anything in particular on this post and plan to use any of my ideas practically this Christmas then leave me a comment with what you loved, it would make my day if I helped you out.

I really hope that you’ve enjoyed this special blog post today, and perhaps I’ve given you some inspiration for making something too! Please let me know in the comments either on here or on my channel if you do decide to make a Christmas box. You can tag me in images on social media too I would love to see them! Happy Crafting!


The Rose Gold Trends That Everyone Can Wear and My Jewellery Wishlist

Rose Gold Jewellery Trends That Everyone Can Wear

Everyone knows that Rose Gold is on trend again this AW17 season. In this short blog post today I’m going to be telling you about two ways that you can wear this gorgeous shade of metal.

You have the freedom to choose your jewellery and wear it whichever way you want to, so that you can have your own fashion. I cannot stand it when brands tell people “you must wear it like this to be on trend”, well no you don’t, style your own fashion people, wear things just how you want to… take inspiration of course, but do as you like and what suits you. I know I do!

Now Rose Gold is available in so many statement pieces this year, so it’s always good to invest in something well made. That is if you can afford it and if you like this colour of metal of course.

There is one particular Trend that I love because of its endless versatility, and that is the “Mixed Metals Jewellery Trend“. The other one is what I would call the “Delicate’s Jewellery Trend” which surrounds one individual type of jewellery and keeps that as the focus point.

The “Delicate’s Jewellery Trend” simply means you focus on one part of your body to wear the jewellery. So if you’ve got a big chunky knit on this winter nobody is going to see your neck or your wrists, so you cover your hands with pretty Rose Gold rings and jewels. If you’re wearing a long sleeve dress for example you would focus on statement earrings to catch peoples eye. By choosing one part of your body it’s all about complimenting the outfit that you’re wearing and showing off your best bits.

The Mixed Metals Trend is pretty simple, you take two or more metals and mix them on a part of your body. The easiest way to achieve this look would be rings on your fingers. You could wear Yellow Gold, Sterling Silver, Rose Gold, Platinum, anything! So long as you mix them between the hands.

Another cool way to use this trend would be earrings, especially if you have a graduated lobe like I do. Using different coloured studs to create this look.

(Here are my own studs, they are from Jewellery Box UK).

I actually saw the character of “Betty” played by the beautiful actress Lili Reinhart, wearing this trend on one of the new episodes of Riverdale. Keep a look out if you watch it, she wore two silver studs and one gold in either ear and it looks amazing! (As is the show by the way if you have Netflix check out Season 1).

Another way to wear the Mixed Metals would be several metal bracelets, these would be harder to match up though so they look like they go together.

The final way you could wear this trend is with necklaces. My TOP TIP would be to wear necklaces of varied lengths, that way the whole of your neckline is covered and peoples eyes are drawn all the way around and down. Try mixing the metals from light to dark or dark to light…

My Jewellery Wishlist

Now it’s time for me to share my wishlist, just a couple of items that I have loved the look of while browsing the web and through emails that I have gotten. A lady has got to have a wishlist hasn’t she 😉

✩ Cherry Diva ✩

These two rings have really caught my eye from the company Cherry Diva. You can see reviews of other Cherry Diva items that I have bought by clicking the category on my front page. Check these items out further by clicking my links.

Opal Tides Ring

Opal Wishbone Ring

Rose Gold Princess Heart Ring

✩ Jewellery Box UK ✩

The following items are from Jewellery Box UK, while browsing on a recent order I saw all of these beautiful things and hoped one day they might be additions in my collection. I don’t have very much Rose Gold. Check out my Reviews on my main page by clicking the Jewellery category. Click the pictures to go to the Jewellery Box UK site.






✩ Pandora ✩

It is probably a little sad, but I don’t own anything from Pandora. I do get their newsletter and follow on social media though, and I saw these advertised and thought they were so stunning. You’ve got to dream haven’t you! Click the images of them to go to the website.

Rose Gold Droplets Ring
Rose Gold Puzzle Heart Ring
So there we have it everyone, my current Rose Gold Jewellery wishlist, you never know I might be able to treat myself in the new year!

Thank you for reading this blog post today, I hope you’ve enjoyed it, and perhaps got some gift inspiration for someone too!


Tough House Plants for People who often Forget to Water

Tough House Plants For People Who Often Forget To Water

There are some pretty hardy house plants out there that don’t need a lot of maintenance, that are perfect for people who often forget to water. If you are looking for some really easy to care for plants for your home, then check out all the varieties below.

Before buying a plant you must consider three things, do you have children, do you have pets, and do you have the time and the space (as it grows). I will be outlining some plants that I have owned and loved and some my family recommend. I have then researched these to give you the best facts on each type or variety of house plant,

Let’s first start with a flowering plant that is so beautiful and you only need to water it once a week. Once it flowers the buds can remain for weeks at a time, plus it comes in many varied sizes and colours… it is The Orchid.

The Orchid has over twenty eight thousand registered species, though many grow in the wild throughout Asia, some varieties have been adapted to become house plants. Here in the United Kingdom they are now readily available, not just at garden centres but even from large supermarkets. They come in various sizes of flowers too.

The most common available is the Phalaenopsis or the Moth Orchid. These two images I have included in this post depict how it usually looks like. Each stem can grow between six and twelve beautiful flowers that emerge from buds.

You only need to water an Orchid plant once a week, it might need to be thoroughly quenched if it has many many flowers in bloom. You can tell by looking at the flowers if the petals are not smooth. Also if you give it some water and it drinks it all up immediately keep adding tiny amounts until the drinking slows.

It needs to be placed in a well lit window but with no direct sunshine during the day. Orchid plants like the light and like to be warm but not hot, and do not allow it to get very cold. Remove it from the window during the Winter overnight.

Remember to gently wipe the leaves clean of dust every couple of weeks, and keep an eye on any blooms that have ended. You can cut these off gently at the stem where they join on. Careful not to damage a stem that has buds on it.

A very cool plant to have in the home is the Cactus! The definition of a Succulent is a plant that has thick fleshy leaves or stems that have adapted to storing water.

Cacti are part of the Cactaceae family, there are currently 1750 species. Usually found in an array of shapes and sizes, some tiny and others grow extremely tall. Most originate from dessert climates but some also comes from forests.

The ones that you have for your home are known as succulents, but not all succulents are cacti (I will show you what I mean further down the post). Many Cacti like a warm home, a window with plenty of light and fast draining pots that don’t require you to water them very often. Years of evolution has insured these hardy plants store water to keep themselves sustained in harsh environments. Cacti are also very good at adapting to our various seasons in the west of the world.

Cacti are easy to look after and there are several varieties that are great for the home. Other Succulents come in lots of varieties (like the Cacti, there is Sedum, Echeveri, or flowering Kalanchoe), they enjoy sunlight and dry air. They are also easy to look after because they require very little watering. Some examples are the following;

Christmas Cacti

The Christmas Cacti needs to be allowed to dry between watering, look at first few inches of the soil and if it’s damp wait another few days. It needs to be watered less in the dormant Winter phase. When the plant is flowering make sure you don’t let the plant dry out and don’t over water it either, doing so might prevent future flowering. These plants need medium to high light, and if you choose to fertilize do it three times in the summer to promote blooms.

Pincushion Cactus (Mammillaria)

Pincushions are a group of approximately 200 species of ball-shape cacti, they are the most common cacti that can be grown in the home. Most come from Mexico, they grow in hot climates and can be singular or in clumps. They can often flower indoors. Be careful of the spines they might look delicate but have hooked ends that will be difficult to pull out of skin if you get one trapped. These cacti like lots of light and you should let the soil dry out almost completely between watering. You should withhold water entirely in the winter and allow it to have a cool and dormant period. If you fertilize only do it in the summer months and a maximum of three times.

Sempervivum Tectorum or Echeveria Elegans

Although these two plants are closely related they do in fact look different. Known as Hens and Chicks because the mother part of the plant is known as the Hen, and the rosettes that grow off from it are the Chicks.
Sempervivum Tectorum has rosettes but the leaves are flatter and also more pointed.
Echeveria Elegans has flower shapes rosettes that have rounded edges and are flat.
Both of these plants should be allowed to dry somewhat between their watering, over watering will cause root rot. Water them very little during their dormant part of Winter.

Another easy to care for plant is the Spider Plant or Chlorophytum Comosum is its scientific name. I had a plant of this kind from the age of eleven to twenty four (until it got infected with flies one summer and that was the end of it sadly). It often gave out small flowers and in turn baby plants (known as Spiderettes), that you simply wait for roots to appear and then carefully cut them from the stem and re-pot them. Those Spiderettes from my original plant are still around today, several of my family have them.

This is also a great plant for someone younger, for someone who perhaps wants to start learning about and caring for something flora and fauna. It needs very little watering and its leaves need wiping from dust just once a week. Obviously the larger the plant grows the more leaves it has, and the more it would need tending to. But if you start with a small one and grow with it, re-potting it whenever it gets too big for its space, and you should do just fine.

 The Spider Plant is a great and easy to care for addition to any home. They also remove the following pollutants from the air in your home “Formaldehyde and Xylene”.

Another low maintenance plant is the Begonia and because it flowers for around half of the year it will also be a nice addition to brighten up the home.

Begonias are flowers that bloom in spring and summer, they need their soil to dry out before they need another watering, and they require even less watering in the winter when they don’t provide flowers. Begonias come in a range of different colours.

In my personal experience they don’t grow very large either, so you can have one in a small pot on a half shade half light window in your home and check on it twice a week.

Chinese evergreen plants like Aglaonema are tougher than they look, and come in varieties that have leaves with speckles and stripes. They like medium light, and you only need to water them when you notice the soil is dry. Don’t use cold water on them though, tepid is always best.

Chinese evergreens often tolerate a range of conditions, although they don’t like to be in a room whose temperature will drop below between thirteen and sixteen degrees. The best average for growth seems to be around twenty degrees, and they also dislike being near to drafts, because this can damage their leaves. Thriving in medium to low light, these plants appreciate well draining soil. Speaking of the soil, the Chinese evergreen likes it to be part soil and part sand.

Dependent on the type you decide on will depend on the pot size you’ll need. Do your research before you buy. You can spray the leaves with tepid water if you like which replicates the conditions from its place of origin in the rain forest. If it’s not too cold outside then you could place the plant outside in a safe place away from pets and strong winds so it can have a shower in the rain. You could use a suitable plant food every two months if you feel it is required.

Sabrina’s Top Tips When Buying A Plant

I have learnt so much of my love for plants from my grandparents, they taught me a lot when I was growing up. My Nan is still a keen garden lover and often helps me with my house and garden plant choices.

My first buying TOP TIP is consult a book or the garden centre experts for the sizes and varieties before you buy anything.
My next TOP TIP is that  you need to know where it will be situated so that you can best choose the plant suited for the place. For example, some indoor plants love being on a windowsill with lots of light, where others need a great deal of shade and cooler temperatures.
Another TOP TIP is to consider how much care the plant will need after purchase. If you don’t feel you have the time to care for it, then don’t buy it.
My final buying TOP TIP is make sure the plant that you’re buying has healthy leaves, no infestations in the leaves or the soil and good roots, root rot can mean it’s been over watered and might not survive for long.

My final TOP TIP is for people who forget their plants! Maintaining the consistency is key for plants, especially indoor ones. If need be, set an alarm on your phone or write on your calendar when it will need watering, pruning and cleaning (yes some plants need their leaves cleaning of dust).

Thank you for reading this blog post today, if you have any plants you love I would like to hear about them. There will be more lifestyle posts coming soon on Severn Wishes.


The Latest Perfume Samples Reviewed

The Latest Perfume Samples

I often sign up to receive the latest samples of all sorts of things, such as snacks, perfume and makeup to name just a few. But what I loved about these two fragrances I wanted to share with the world.

Live Irrésistible Délicieuse Eau de Parfum

If Your Mood is Bend the Rules While Being Irrésistible.
And Your Motto Could Be “Life is a Playground”.
This is the Perfume for you.

That is what Givenchy says about this fragrance, it is for women who don’t conform to rules and often break them. Givenchy brings this new scent to life with a floral delicacy that is as sassy as it is sweet. Highlighting notes of Madeleine and Caramel-Coated Roses, adding a touch of sensual Tonka bean in the mix too. It is a deliciously smelling fragrance, ideal for women who live intensely, without the fear of rules or constraints.

Givenchy says: Be yourself, because that is what makes you irresistible, live your life to the fullest while wearing Live Irrésistible!

Top Note: Madeleine Accord
Heart Note: Rose Essentielle
Base Note: Tonka Bean

My Thoughts
I really liked how sweet this perfume smelt without being overpowering. It was both unique and unusual and I had not had the pleasure of trying this range in my life so far.

Olympéa Intense Eau de Parfum

Paco Rabanne says this perfume is Illicit, Unexpected and Captivating.

Designed for the modern day Goddess with hints of Oriental Scents and Intense Fragrances. The main features depict a bold and sexy scent. Paco Rabanne want Olympéa Intense to be for women who are independent and are empowered by the notes encompassed in this intense perfume. If you are fiercely feminine and enjoy everything that is beautiful in life, then Paco Rabanne believe this is the scent for you.

The Oriental Scents include Blossoms and Amber and other various Flowers that seem to tumble around the strong smell of the Vanilla and Orange.

Top Note: Salty and Vanilla Amber Accord
Heart Note: Orange Blossom
Base Note: White Ethereal Amber Base

Intensity Of: Orange Flowers, Grapefruit Flowers and White Pepper.
Sensual Scents Of: Cedarwood, White Amber and Salty Vanilla.

My Thoughts
I was very pleasantly surprised by this perfume, the vanilla shines through but the floral notes bring it all together to form a scent that I feel suits a range of occasions.

Perfume makes a great gift for people at Christmas and on Birthday’s too. Here is my Sabrina’s TOP TIP for you all. When picking a perfume for someone, write down the ones they already have, and google what the Notes are in them. Depending on what they are made from, you look for a pattern, such as the scent of Rose. Then you choose a new perfume with a Note of Rose contained within it. Usually the person notices similar scents and enjoys them more.

 Thank you very much for reading this review today, please let me know if you have either of these perfumes yourself, I would love to know what you think about them.
