The Transition of moving my son from a Cot to a Toddler Bed, my Tips and First Hand Experiences plus Reviews of the Purchases I made.

If you’re reading my blog today you might be in the same boat that I was last summer, which is wondering if it were time to make the move for your little one. The transition to a toddler bed is not one to be taken lightly, it is a huge step for our little person, and they deserve lots of time, patience and assistance from us (as their parent/s) to help them feel safe and secure in their new upgraded space.

Hopefully this article that I have combined with my review of the toddler bed that I bought, can help you to make informed decisions on what is best for you and your child/ren. Is it time? Only you will know by the actions and dependence your child currently has.

When the bed was finally in place…

When my son turned two I wanted him to start using a toddler bed and there were several reasons why I thought this needed to happen now. The first reason was that it was difficult to lower him inside his cot when he had fallen asleep in my arms, and he was now tall enough to consider trying to climb over. I didn’t want that to happen, so I purchased his first toddler bed after measuring up the space that I had in his bedroom.

I bought the Argos “Ellis Toddler Bed” in Grey, to match my sons furniture, and then bought a mattress online. I had chosen this bed for three reasons, the first being its height from the floor, the second was that it came with a drawer for under bed storage, and the final reason was because of the three quarter sides.

My son moves frequently in his sleep and I knew that it would be quite a while before he could sleep safely without any sides to his bed. This bed was a great size for the price and I would hope it to last him two years at least due to the length. The handy draw keeps tidy all of the towels and bedding I use for my sons room and it is easy enough to slide in and out on its rolling caster wheels.

Bed Frame size L144, W75, H57cm.
Required Mattress size L140, W70cm.
Clearance between floor and underside of bed 19.5cm.
Drawer size H18.5, W139, D73.5cm.

There are now limited stock on this bed but it does also come in different colours. Here is what I would give it on my review scores having used it now for a whole year.

Quality of Paintwork 4✩
Quality of Manufacturing 4✩
Quality of Finished Product 5✩
Correct Specifications 5✩
Product Design 5✩

Overall this product is excellent quality and although it was difficult to put together, overall we have been very happy with it. A fantastic size for toddlers and small children and my son hasn’t fallen out of it due to the great design with those side bars. Although he is average height for his age (at 3) he still has plenty of room left to grow into this bed.

The Transition from a Cot to a Bed – My Tips and Tricks

The biggest thing about change for toddlers is that it can be unnerving to them. They get anxious and have to get used to something over time, so don’t worry if this alteration in routine and sleeping area takes a few weeks for them to get used to. The best thing that you can do for the first few nights is to keep the routine the same, but just place them in the new bed. If you have a routine that ends with them being placed into bed keep doing that.
Then on the second week add one new thing now that the child is older such as, can they now get into bed themselves because they are old enough to do so? It will make them feel bigger if they do it themselves and gives them confidence, but only when they are willing to get into bed on their own.
Don’t forget to use positive reinforcement when they are on the bed or in the bed so that the praise gives them positive ideals of being in the furniture.
Saying things as “What a lovely new bed you have!” and “Now that you are two/three you can sleep in this special big kids bed” and remember to let them know that this is a good thing, a positive step and not one away from you. Definitely praise little one when they get into bed without you having to prompt them too!

Getting the child to stay in bed is another matter though. Don’t worry if they frequently get out of bed or even tumble out of bed half asleep for the first few weeks, wondering where you are (especially if you have had them sleeping in your room up until this point). And the beauty of the toddler bed is its distance to the floor. They usually are only between 15 and 20cm from the floor.
Make sure to implement rules in their new bedroom, such as no toys after bed time. The child is not too young at this age to be putting their own toys back into a box or tub or basket, so why not start them off if you haven’t already done so (good practice for preschool).
I have found that it’s also a good idea to introduce a clock or show the time to a child at this age, and tell them that at “7 o’clock” (or whatever your bedtime is) their toys are put away and your bedtime routine begins.
Personally we are in the room for 7.30pm but it can take up to an hour to settle my three year old, some nights a story or two is enough and other nights I’m still reading at the hour mark. But it’s just imperative that you keep the routine the same, even if the time differs slightly, it’s still the act of doing things in the order that they are used to, and the act of then getting them into their own bed.

Talk About Their Safe Space

I tell my son every single night that he is “safe in his bed” and he is “safe at home with mummy” and this has reinforced him to stay in his bed. For the first few weeks if he woke in the night he would come and find me because he wasn’t sure on things. Now he’s more than happy to climb into his bed and choose the stories he wants at bedtime. He knows that I’m never far away now, but his bedroom is a safe place for him to be. He doesn’t always come and find me now that he is older either. He often wakes (and I hear him) but he presses his singing toy and lays back down or he will have a sip of water from his bottle and then turn over and go back to sleep.
Again positive reinforcement is key when organising their safe space. When little one wakes up they want to recognise where they are and that it is home or safe, favourite toys or items around the room will help.

If you find your little one is struggling initially with the bed transition then you could choose to sleep on the floor in their room for a few nights. Whenever they wake up in the night make sure they know that you aren’t far away and they are safe. It is totally normal for most children to find their new surroundings daunting, but remember to just keep praising and comforting, they will soon get there. All children are different and it could take a few weeks of patience to achieve the end goal, but everyone should sleep better once that is over with.

Ensure Comfort

Make sure that they are comfortable on a firm but soft mattress and that the room is an optimum temperature. I still use our Gro-Egg from when he was a baby to tell me the room temp! My son had sleeping bags until he was two and a half, he was happy to sleep in them until he got older then he kept trying to take them off. I gave him his own thin pillow at three years of age, and I now put him in Pyjamas and a blanket over him. I have bought a toddler duvet this summer ready for the colder winter months, now that he is old enough to be able to push it away from his own face.

Keep Stories Gentle at Bedtime

I have found that stories that talk about bedtime or going to sleep are best at bedtime, other books can just excite little ones too much. My son has an absolute favourite book about a bear and a baby bear and he’s on his way to going to sleep, and we read it every night. I can now recite it from memory while he falls asleep in my arms (that is how many hundreds of times I have read it). But it’s such a lovely and gentle book that talks about how much mummy bear loves little bear and she is never far away no matter what he is getting up to. Consider what you are doing during your bedtime routine and make sure that there is nothing that is causing your little one to become more awake as opposed to be falling asleep. The best books we have found come from The Works.

My sons favourite book that I highly recommend, we found it at The Works.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post that I have written today, I do hope that you have found it informative and if my lifestyle experience with my son can help you in some way then I am more than happy to share it.

✩ Sabrina ✩

September 2021 Treatbox Reveal and Review

Wow! Hello September!

Time to do the latest subscription box Reveal and Review for TreatboxUK!

This is box number 66 for me! Which is a crazy thought!

I have purchased so many incredible months of TB over the last 5 years!

What are all the items inside the box?

Treatbox Original Self Care Journal
Treatbox Original Colouring In Print “It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos”
Cotton Heart Socks
Seed and Bean Lavender Single Origin Dark Chocolate Vegan Bar
Pukka Night Time Organic Tea x 2 Individual Bags
Lavender Coloured Silk Eye Mask
Treatbox September Calendar Print

My Honest Opinion on the September Box

What a sweet box! When I opened it to discover the colour in card I instantly loved this idea! Colouring in the numbers on the sheet with a colour that best represents our day and how we feel, how amazing is that! And at the end of the month you get a whole beautiful picture to enjoy. Everyone’s pictures will be unique of course which makes it all the more special. I have used pens for mine so the colours really stand out, I will share my finished image on my socials at the end of September.

The other contents inside the box that I loved include the cute socks and the self care journal – another fab idea and another Treatbox UK original too. The eye mask looks very comfortable and is so soft.

I have yet to try the night time tea and the chocolate, but both sound delicious, the chocolate is Vegan and I’m intrigued about the flavour too, it’s Lavender Dark Chocolate Ooo!

Here are some more pictures of this months products.

Thank you for reading this Treatbox unboxing post, I really hope you enjoyed it.

Wishing you a happy and healthy September!

✩ Sabrina ✩

My Son Starting Preschool and Things I have Purchased to Make Life Easier

Well look at that, three years have literally gone past in a blur, and I am sitting here trying to fight back my eyes welling up. My baby boy is no longer my little baby boy, and in fact he has grown up so much this year that it’s scary. Having just emailed in all of the many forms I am now sitting on my sofa writing this blog post as I prepare for him to go off to Pre-School this September.

Backpack – Ollie & Millie’s
Sistema Tubs – Tesco
Kids Shoes – Tesco F&F
Fox Cool Bag – Ollie & Millie’s

Going to school is like a right of passage and it’s a huge milestone in any child’s life. So I wanted to get my son some items to make that transition a bit easier. I had seen this gorgeous backpack on a page I follow on Facebook called Ollie & Millie’s. I had been looking at buying one for months, I looked around for a while, and then I decided to order one from them when I couldn’t find anything that looked as nice
as theirs.

Ollie & Millie’s Facebook Page

And because of Covid19 the School is not able to share some things any longer such as plasters, so every child must have their own in their bag. But that isn’t all, and my sons allergies also pose issues so he has to have everything he needs altogether in one bag. Luckily everything has fitted into the one I have chosen to buy from Ollie & Millie’s. Things such as a reusable water bottle (which we use already in my house but I bought my son a new one just for his school days), a (I chose personalised) backpack, snack pots, wellies for outdoor play and any medical items they require for the time frame they are at school are also included.

My Review of the Backpack

Appearance 5✩
Product Quality 5✩
Personalised Design 5✩
Versatility 5✩

I’m very impressed with the backpack because of its quality in both material and its features such as strong straps and zips. There are several colours to choose from but my son loves blue so I chose blue for him, and because it’s a light sky blue colour the writing for his name really stands out. I was impressed with the time frame between ordering the product and receiving it from Ollie & Millie’s. The backpack also has versatility because I was surprised by just how much I could fit inside it, once I had gently opened it out when it arrived. Overall I rate it exceptionally highly and would recommend it to any parents who are after a good priced backpack with their child’s name on.

The cool bag is also a lovely product and it is of excellent quality with a very cute fox design. Ollie & Millie’s have a wide range of products and also make personalised t-shirts and other clothing as well.

Other items that I have got to make things easier for both my son and myself are some fantastic plastic tubs from Tesco which are from the brand Sistema. The tubs are not only different sizes than what you would usually see in the supermarket, but they also have fun sections built in and have genius clips and lids too. Bonus points that I could get them in blue to match my sons bag as well!

Everything shown in my picture above is now inside the backpack, and with a handy bottle pocket on the side my sons drink is safe and secure too.

Thank you for clicking on this post, I hope you have enjoyed reading it.

Have you got any young children heading to School this term? I do hope they take it all in their stride! I will be doing a follow up post about how things went after the first few weeks too.

✩ Sabrina ✩

August 2021 Treatbox UK Reveal and Review

Well, Hello! Nice to see you again!

It’s time to Reveal and Review the August 2021 Treatbox!

I wanted to give time enough to let everyone receive their box before I revealed all the contents.

Contents of the August box…

3 Treatbox Original Cards featuring a Sea Theme
Blue “Smile” Toiletries Bag
The Soap Story – Sea Minerals Soap Slice
August Calendar Print
Sea Breeze & Fresh Linen Wax Melts
Pure Heavenly Chocolate – Dark with Sea Salt
Blue Onyx Precious Stone in Organza Bag
Treatbox Bingo Card – Summer Self Care

My Honest Opinion

What a fantastic box this month! I loved the Sea theme and how neatly all the items slotted within it. I also enjoyed seeing items that we have NEVER HAD BEFORE 😀 Yay! This makes me SO happy!!! After buying so many years of constant boxes from Treatbox I’m always hopeful to get useful items or unique pieces.

The precious stone and the smile bag are my favourite items this month. The Treatbox UK originals like the bingo card and the trio of summer sea cards are also really nice. You can choose to keep them or pass them on to someone to keep the positivity going! The soap slice made the whole box smell so nice! I am looking forward to taking a bath with that! And the chocolate looks delicious! I am saving that for a night in on my own! I am not a fan of wax melts, but they smell lovely, so I won’t be melting these but using them to make my room smell nice instead!

Thank you for reading this unboxing post, I hope you enjoyed it.
Hopefully I will see you again soon. Have a great month of August!

✩ Sabrina ✩

June 2021 Treatbox Reveal and Review

That time has come around again for me to Reveal the contents of the Treatbox for the month. And I will then Review the products I have found inside. Welcome to the June 2021 Treatbox Reveal and Review.

Inside the June 2021 Box there was…

Treatbox Print “Note to Self”
A Bag of Popcorn Shed Cherry Bakewell Flavour
A Willow & Rose Compact Mirror
Grey Socks with Hearts
Vitamasques Vitamin C Cherry Brighten Mask
Treatbox Original Pin “You Got This”
Treatbox Notebook “You’re So Cool & I’m Not Even Mad About It”

My Honest Opinion

June 2021 was a box that I was feeling So So about to be honest with you, I opened it and got excited by only half of the box. As someone who is not a fan of cherry smell or taste I will be passing on some of these gifts to family members. I did however LOVE the Socks! Right up my alley! I didn’t think I needed yet another compact mirror, until I broke one of mine *face palm* so that ended up being a very appropriate item for me this month! The other products include the Treatbox original pin which is very cool! A little reminder of “You Got This” is always useful when I have moments when I am doubting myself! I was thinking of putting this one somewhere in my car! (Because my hallway and bedroom already have some pins on show!) The print is also pretty cool as is the little notebook. I would have just loved some stationery for a change instead of yet another notepad! I make lots of lists and notes and I have still not finished all the notepads I have received from my Treatbox subscriptions. That is food for thought perhaps! I would also love to see a month with no mask too, and replaced by something we could get stuck in to instead, like adult colouring, craft or something useful…

Thank you for reading this blog post review today, I hope you have enjoyed it, and that you pop by Severn Wishes Blog again sometime soon.

✩ Sabrina ✩

Spectrum Collections Zodiac “Dark Matter” Black Mascara, and Why it is My New Every Day Favourite

Today I am reviewing the Spectrum Zodiac “Dark Matter” Black Mascara.

When I bought this I was hoping to find myself a new “every day” mascara, both for easy application and removal. I don’t get a lot of time to do things like self care and to apply make up in a morning, so it has to be a breeze! I barely wear any makeup these days anyhow! But I did want something to make my eyes “pop” when I do go out, even if that’s just for a food shop.

After all, even though we are still wearing masks, your eyes are still on show aren’t they?! Might as well make them look nice!

With a thin brush and dark black mascara in the tube, this Mascara glides on easily and I found one tiny clump out of the entire first application to both sets of lashes! Already a huge tick for me, there is nothing worse than having to scrape off a ton of excess clumps of mascara lumps before you can begin applying it.

The tube is a small size but is ideal for storing at home or in a makeup bag to take out and about with you. A little application of it went a long way too! I found that it stayed on my lashes well, I didn’t end up with any fallout on my cheeks during the day, despite going out and about and doing some sweat producing housework!

When it came to removing it (I always use Garnier Micellar Water to remove my makeup) one cotton pad of micellar water was enough to clean it from both of my eyes. And I didn’t wake up to panda eyes the next morning having missed any which was great!

My Overall Review Scores

Appearance 5✩
Quality 5✩
Design 5✩
Staying Power 5✩

The Zodiac Dark Matter Mascara is an excellent product that I am very happy with.
Overall I rate it 5 Stars due to having tested it thoroughly in a range of daily scenarios, I was impressed with its staying power and the ease to remove as well. A fantastic product that is now my daily go-to mascara for an every day look.

If anyone is out there looking to get anything from Spectrum Collections (I recommend their brushes too!) then please feel free to use my referral code and get a discount of 15%.


Why is it my New Favourite?

It is a wonderful little Mascara wand, with barely a clump in sight, easy application and removal! It’s just what you want in an every day Mascara! Lightweight, Black and Defining! Just Perfect!

I hope to see you on Severn Wishes Blog again soon I hope! Thank you for reading this review!

✩ Sabrina ✩

May 2021 Treatbox Reveal and Review

It’s time to Reveal the May 2021 TreatboxUK box!

I saw the sticker said “Bee Happy” and wondered if that was a clue!

Inside the May box was… “Bee Kind to Yourself” Themed Products ✩

The May 2021 Calendar Print / What’s Inside May Treatbox Information

Treatbox Original Print “Sunshine and Happy Days”

Treatbox Original Bag “You’re So Golden”

Treatbox Packet of Sunflower Seeds “no rain, no flowers”

Yummy Comb – Honeycomb Bar Smothered in Sea Salted Caramel Belgian Milk Chocolate

our tiny bees – Mini Floral Hand Balm 21ml Ylang Ylang and Lemon

by Jessica Alice – English Pear & Freesia – Wax Melt – Hand Poured & Vegan

Treatbox Original Positivity / Self Care/ Wellness Cards – 10 Designs

It’s World Bee Day on the 20th of May!!!

✩ My Opinion of the May Box Contents 

What I really liked this time around were the themed products and how most of them were handbag size. Most were Vegan and Cruelty Free as well. I am looking forward to enjoying the honeycomb chocolate on a day that my son is away (as it contains dairy and he has allergies). And the Wax Melts smell lovely! They are currently making my lounge smell beautiful without even the need to melt them, it smells so strong through the packaging and such a Spring like scent!

The bag is so cool! Cannot believe you’re now doing things like this in house at Treatbox HQ! They look amazing! The hand cream is lovely and smells nice.

Love the Bee theme! The Print and the Cards are all lovely and very well appreciated during this difficult time. It’s nice to get little reminders to look after yourself. As a single mum some days I might not get another adult conversation and I am often busy and tired. Treatbox is a little pick me up which contains even more little bits and bobs to remind me that “I’m Amazing” – so thanks Treatbox!

Did you know that you can view all of my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.

Thank you for joining me while I Review and Reveal this May Treatbox! If you liked it why not check out my other reviews too! Have a great remainder of May!

✩ Sabrina ✩

Argos Tester Review of the Playmobil 6765 1.2.3 Floating Take Along Noah’s Ark Set

I am very fortunate to be an Argos Tester, this means that I often get items sent to me for the purpose of an online review. I test products and take photographs of them before submitting my findings and thoughts to Argos. For April I was offered one of a selection of Children’s Toy Sets. I love testing something that my young son would be allowed to partake in, his reactions and opinions would matter to me during the reviewing process.

The item I am reviewing today is the Playmobil 6765 1.2.3 Floating Take Along Noah’s Ark Set.

#ArgosTester #ArgosTesters #ArgosTestersCommunity

I have written this article about a product that I have been supplied for free, in order to test and then review it. This is my experience with said product and my honest review about the product which is listed below. I have already submitted my product review to the Argos Website when this post has been published on my blog.

Product Details

Product Name: Playmobil 6765 1.2.3 Floating Take Along Noah’s Ark Set

Product Details: A Red and Orange Boat / Ark with Animals and People for Imaginative Play. For Ages 18 months plus.

Product Dimensions: H20cm W30cm D12.5cm

Product Description: A fantastic set for young children to learn about animals. The set includes four sets of paired animals and two birds, two people, a food bag and water trough and a ramp. The Ark itself features a top piece and a bottom half, all of the pieces fit inside it for convenient storage. The top half features a carry handle easy enough for young children to use. The Ark can be used in the bath or in a paddling pool, it does float on water but it is advised not to use it in water that has had things added to it like soap, and not to use the Ark in direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time, as this will affect the condition and colour of the toys. Two clips, one at either end of the boat, hold the two pieces in place, they are quite tight so it is advised to supervise your child when they want to play with this toy.

Argos Website Link: Playmobil 6765 1.2.3 Floating Take Along Noah’s Ark Set

Argos Website Price: £30.00 (Price Correct as of 24th April 2021).

My Son and his Reactions

I got my son to help me with this review, his reaction to the toy allowed me to give a more detailed review. He instantly loved the animals, they were a nice size for him to hold and he was happy that they came in pairs too. He is a little too young to understand the “Two by Two” Scenario but he liked how he could place the pairs together on his play mats and then move them on to the boat. With my help we managed to get all of them on to the top deck with clever positioning! He loved to pick it up by the carry handle and it got easily transported around our home.
My son couldn’t open the locks at either end of the boat, they were stiff, but I wonder if over time and with use they will get a little easier to open. Until then I ask him if he wants the boat open or closed dependent on how he is planning to play. Overall it has been a big hit and is a beautiful and colourful set for young children to learn about animals and have imaginative play time.

My Argos Tester Review Submission

Very impressed by the overall quality of the Playmobil set. Animals are accurate in both colour & pattern & great for small hands. The Ark has nice features such as the handle for carrying, the ramp to re-enact the “two by two” scenario & the fact that all the pieces fit neatly inside for storing away when not in use. My son loves animals & really loved how he could stand these up and they wouldn’t easily fall over. A fab set that has captured imagination & also teaches children about animals.

My Overall Honest Opinion

There is a strong carry handle on the top of the Ark for children or adults to carry the set. This is a great idea in order to transport the set around the home or to a grandparents house for example. The clips on either end are strong so as the pieces don’t fall out of the Ark during transportation. But they are a bit stiff, too much for children to open up, maybe they get easier with frequent use. The accurate colourful pieces and bright vibrant boat make for fun imaginative play for children.

Having studied the pieces in detail they are beautifully made, smooth with no sharp edges or danger of any small parts. A great set for young children and great up to around the age of 5 or 6. The animals could still be used after that age however, just in other imaginative play. A fantastic set overall with lots of nice attention to details such as the lines on the Ark deck and simple decorations on the animals.

There is only one issue I have with the animals, and that is they all have a hole in one leg which would allow water inside if you were to use the set in water. I am always concerned about mould growing inside toys that are used to get wet. Therefore we will not be using this set in the bath, and instead using blue play mats to pretend that it the water.

If you are interested in finding out more about this product then please click the link above in my Product Details section to go to the Argos website.

Thank you for reading this review, have a lovely day.

✩ Sabrina ✩

April 2021 Treatbox Reveal and Review

It’s time to Reveal the April 2021 TreatboxUK box!

I was intrigued to see what would be inside because of how much I loved the March box!

I wasn’t disappointed! The box is filled with uplifting items!

✩ What Was In The April 2021 Box? ✩

April Calendar Print

Treatbox Original Pin “Little Steps Still Get You There”

Treatbox Square Print “If You have Good Thoughts they will Shine out of your Face like Sunbeams and you will Always Look Lovely”

Biscuit “Focus on the Good”

Smiley Design White Ribbed Socks

teapigs Happy Tea ~ Tea Bags x 2 Lemon Balm

Sensory Retreats Amour Eyes Self Heating Eye Mask

The Happy News by Emily Coxhead ~ A Newspaper filled with Positivity

✩ My Opinion of the April Box Contents 

What I really liked most about this box was how happy it was! The positive vibes emanated from every item. I laughed out loud when I saw the socks, they are so funny! Then I began to read the TreatboxUK originals like the Print and the Pin. They are all positive or uplifting and that makes for an overall delightfully lovely box.

I look forward to eating the biscuit and drinking the uplifting tea. A Calendar Print is always handy, I am going to use mine as a meal planner for the month I think! The eye mask I will certainly use at some point in the future too!

Did you know that you can view all of my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.
The April 2021 was box number 61 for me!!!

Thank you for reading this Review and Reveal for the April Treatbox! If you liked it why not check out my other reviews too! Have a great Easter weekend!

✩ Sabrina ✩

March 2021 Treatbox Reveal and Review

Welcome to the March 2021 Treatbox UK unboxing Reveal and my Review of the contents inside the box. This box month always coincides with my birthday, so it’s like an extra little present to myself! And funnily enough it felt even more like my birthday when I opened it thanks to two items inside…

… a blank Happy Birthday card and a key ring! (I have collected Keyrings since I was a child)!

Happy Birthday to me! And here is what else was inside this great box!

What Was In The March 2021 Box?

Treatbox A5 Print “You Got This”
Treatbox Cards x 3 “Happy Birthday”, “Keep Going” & “You Are Amazing”

Treatbox Rainbow Design Weekly Planner Pad
“Pretty Things” Keepsake Dish
Bubble t Cleansing Hand Sanitiser “Confetea Edition” 50ml
Jealous Sweets Love Bears Sugar Free Vegan Sweets 40g
“Good Vibes” Rainbow Key Ring

9 items in total.

My Opinion of the March Box Contents

What I really liked inside this box was… all of it! 😀 From the Rainbow theme to the positive vibes! I thought the Keepsake Dish is of excellent quality, and the key ring is lovely too. Sanitiser is something that we all need a lot of at the moment and it is great to have a pretty pink one that smells amazing, that is a bonus! What fun!

The A5 print and the cards are positive orientated and I love that we can pass the positive vibes on to other people from our joy in receiving the Treatbox UK March box! I cannot wait to try those Vegan Sweets and I saw they have a long use by date so no rush in nibbling them all up! Yay!

But my favourite item by far has to be the Weekly Planner! I love how much design Zoe and the team have managed to incorporate into it! Drinking Water, Days of the Week, Goals, Priorities and Don’t Forgets! It is now so much faster to plan my week than my old planner where I had to use a ruler to section parts of the day out for my To Do’s and Goals! Now I just pop them all on this one page! I LOVE IT!

Thanks so much for an awesome item! I would love to see another one with a different border in a few months time, because I will be using this weekly from now on 😉 A great box I am very happy!

Did you know that you can view all of my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.

March 2021 was box number 60 for me!!!

Thank you for reading this Review and Reveal for the March Treatbox! If you liked it why not check out my other reviews too! Have a wonderful day!

✩ Sabrina ✩