January 2023 Treatbox Reveal and Review

The brand new year has begun and the first Treatbox UK box of 2023 landed on my doorstep. I had a few days off over New Year spent with my family, and then I began blogging again at the end of the first week of January. This is why this post is a little later than I would usually do them, however I needed a much deserved rest, and less hours looking at my screens.
I hope your year has started off well! Thank you for joining me today!

So let’s get on to this unboxing! I was hoping for some of the usual “start of the year” items in this box, such as a Journal or Calendar or a Planner, and I also hoped for the possibility of new things that we had not yet seen as well!

And guess what? I wasn’t disappointed! If you would prefer to watch my unboxing video, then you can find that by clicking here… otherwise please continue as I unbox the January 2023 Treatbox!

What was inside the January box?

January 2023 Monthly Calendar Print
2023 Treatbox Original Bound Calendar
Sheet of Stickers for Organising and Reminding
Treatbox Original A5 Print “The new year stands before us…”

Treatbox Original Notebook “Notes” – Blank White Pages
Stationery Pen – Colour Picked at Random – I received a White Pen
Pink Iced Shortbread Biscuit “You Got This”

Pink Velvet Hair Scrunchie

Let us now take a closer look at the products that were inside for January 2023.

What is my Honest Opinion

A lovely box with a well thought out design this month, the dusky pink throughout and a theme of moving forward with the start of the new year. A mix of organisation items and Treatbox original stationery, combined with some treats with the biscuit to eat and the scrunchie to wear.

The Calendar is of excellent quality and I have created a cardboard stand for mine to stand up on my desk, so that I’m able to keep track of everything with ease as the weeks go on. (See image below).
My favourite items are the Calendar, Stickers and the Scrunchie, but all of the items this month are useful and of good product quality. I also like the positive quote on the print this month too, because I personally (as a writer) do see every new year as new chapters ready to be written.

To see the Treatbox UK products in use please follow me on social media as they will feature regularly all month in my photographs and videos. This January box has been a lovely start to the year, and I look forward to the next box in February.

Thank you for reading this unboxing blog post, I hope you have a lovely January.

Don’t forget to follow me on my social media for more updates and individual
product reviews as well as witnessing these items I just told you all about in use too.

Search #SevernWishesBlog on Google or #SevernSabrina on Instagram
Alternatively click here to follow on Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

Have a great weekend!

✩ Sabrina ✩

The Best of Treatbox UK for 2022

A Look Back at the Treatbox Monthly Subscription Boxes for 2022…

Treatbox UK is a subscription box and gift service in the United Kingdom that have some incredible products including in house originals. I have been subscribed to the Treatbox monthly box service since April 2016, and both the boxes and my Review skills have improved vastly since those initial days! I have also introduced a monthly video unboxing to my social media too.

Over the years I have been subscribed there have been some excellently executed themes and some stand alone boxes that made my heart sing with joy when opening them. After so many years of reviewing, I realised that I had never looked back on a year and blogged about it, so I thought why not start with December 2022 and look back at this year.

There have been several stand out boxes this past year, of course my opinion may differ to others, so I thought I would write a blog post and revisit all of the boxes of 2022 and tell you which my top four are and why. I will also mention my favourite item in each box of the year too. So without further ado lets take a quick look, in a photographic sense, of the twelve boxes from this year.


My Top 4 Boxes

The boxes that I think have been the best overall for both product quality and theme have been the November, October, May and March boxes.
The items were a good mix in these four boxes and I have either worn or used the products multiple times since receiving them.
I love receiving products that we have not seen before, and during 2021 we saw too many of similar items duplicated. However 2022 introduced new things, and new Treatbox originals such as Prints, Keyrings, Pins and Stationery. There were also several brand collaborations this year, such as the Craft Kits with Make Arcade and Socks too!
I would say that overall the boxes of 2022 have been excellent quality, well rounded and a good mixture of products throughout the year with very few duplications.

My Top Products of the Year

December Box – Reindeer Socks / Hanging Decoration
November Box – Coaster / Bookmark / Pin / Cards
October Box – Autumn Socks / Pumpkin Craft Kit
September Box – Shell Trinket Dish / Pen / Notepads
August Box – Recipe Journal / Adult Colouring Sheets
July Box – Smile Socks / Handcream
June Box – Monthly Planner / Bracelet
May Box – Mindfulness Cards / Journal / Quartz Moon
April Box – Craft Kit Umbrella / Socks / Shopping List Pad
March Box – Silver Daisy Earrings / Pin
February Box – Heart Pink Socks / Bag
January Box – Amazonite Bracelet / Bookmark

There is a theme here, I love the socks that come in Treatbox, and I am a huge fan of the Stationery, Planners and Notebooks and the like too. Anything that allows me to be Creative is also a winner for me.

What Do I Hope To See in Treatbox UK in 2023

There are a few items that I would love to see stay inside Treatbox for 2023, these include more Craft Kits, different Self Care items and an edible item in every box (preferably Vegan). We don’t always get something to eat, but even if it were a single wrapped piece of chocolate, or a sweet, it would still be edible. As I have said in my unboxing videos a few times this year, I like to have the following;

Something to Keep, Something to Use, Something to Do, Something for Self Care, Something to Wear, Something to Eat, Something to Drink, Something to Gift and Something to Appreciate.

Do you like my motto? I believe that this is what I personally would like to see every month. I realise there are 9 thing in my motto, Treatbox contains anything from 6 to 10 items depending upon their value. Most of this year we have seen 8 items in a box.

What I love most from Treatbox are the Positive aspects, Socks, Scarves, Stationery and Craft Kits, so I would be more than happy to receive these items inside future boxes. Other items I would like to see in the coming boxes would be things like Emery Boards, Nail Art or Skin Art such as Tattoo’s or Stickers.
A yearly planner inside a box is also a great thing, I am not so much into diary writing these days but I journal and keep a weekly planner, as well as a monthly house calendar (so we know what is what). Useful items are the key to making boxes great, because they last far longer than the edible or drinkable item, we need a good mixture of items of singular use and enjoyment versus an item used all month long and beyond.

So in summary, more of the same like this year, a great variety and high quality items, interesting themes and of course the usual Treatbox original staples like the socks and stationery!

June box Planner

Thank you for reading this blog post today, sorry it’s a long one! And I do hope that you have enjoyed looking back at a whole year worth of Treatbox UK with me.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year, I cannot believe this is my final blog post of 2022 (or it would have been as I couldn’t submit it live as the website had issues) and I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store! Hopefully more boxes and more product reviews! I also have some lifestyle things in the pipeline as well.

Have a great New Year!


Don’t forget to follow me on my social media for more updates and individual
product reviews as well as witnessing the items in use too.
Search #SevernSabrina or #SevernWishesBlog

✩ Sabrina ✩

November 2022 Treatbox UK Reveal and Review

Hello! I’m Sabrina and Welcome to my Blog Severn Wishes!

As if this is the second to last box of the year for 2022! I literally have blinked and the past three months seem to have gone by in a blur. Don’t forget that you can click my “Treatbox” tab under my blog categories to look back through all of the Treatbox UK unboxing, Reveals and Reviews from the very beginning up to now.

Without further ado! Let’s get into this unboxing! If you would prefer to watch my video recorded live when I first unboxed this one then please head to either my Instagram feed or my Facebook page.

What’s Inside the November 2022 Treatbox UK

November Calendar Print

Treatbox Original Set of Two Gold Foil Cards featuring Sun / Moon / Stars
Treatbox Original Moon Calendar A4 Print
Popcorn Shed – Toasted Marshmallow Popcorn Bag 24g GF + Vegan
Treatbox Original Enamel Pin (two available) “You Matter” / “It’s cool to be Kind”

Treatbox Original Coaster “let the universe give you what you need”
Treatbox Original Bookmark with Moon, Sun and Stars
Navy Blue Faux Satin Soft Sleep Mask
Gold Plated Star Stud Earrings
Taylors Tea Bag

More photographs below…

My Honest Opinion on the Box

One thing that I really enjoyed this month was how consistent the theme was throughout. I always love the thought that goes into the Treatbox original items, and the quality is usually excellent as well. This box contents was no exception, with the beautifully designed set of cards as well as the bookmark, I believe these along with the coaster are my favourite items for this month’s box.

So what else do we have left, there is the something to eat and drink, and the satin eye mask to wear which is nice for our bit of indulgent self care on an evening. Love it! There is also the enamel pin which are always really lovely. I need to start attaching my pins to an old t-shirt and put them on to a cuddly toy or something like that! A tee of positivity! See what I did there?

Finally we have the lovely Moon Calendar print which is unusual and something not seen before in Treatbox. I really liked this, it won’t interest all people but for me it’s always nice to look and see when the full moon will be.

Overall this is a really lovely box, definitely in my top 5 this year I think. I cannot wait to start using my bookmark and I’m going to tuck into that popcorn soon. I’ve sadly come down with a cold and sore throat this week, so I don’t want to open it and know I won’t be able to enjoy it to its full potential! So watch out on my socials and I will let you know on there what I think!

Thanks for listening to my views today!

Thank you for joining me for another Reveal and Review from me, Severn Sabrina!
What a great theme this box has!

Don’t forget to follow me on my social media for more updates and individual
product reviews as well as items in use too.
Search #SevernSabrina or #SevernWishesBlog

Have a great November and don’t forget to keep up to date with my socials so that you can see the items in use too.

✩ Sabrina ✩

October 2022 Treatbox UK Reveal and Review

Oh yes it’s time for another Reveal and Unboxing!

Today it’s the turn of the October 2022 box from Treatbox UK!

Are you as excited as I am? I love October! Autumn colours and Halloween!

I wonder how many themes are contained in this months box! Let’s open it and see!

If you would prefer to watch my unboxing video you can find it on my Facebook here

What’s Inside the Box for October 2022?

Treatbox Calendar Print – October
Treatbox Original Autumn Theme Socks
Treatbox Original A5 Print “I’m Ready for Cosy Jumpers…”
The Make Arcade X Treatbox – Spooky Craft Kit – Pumpkin
Bag of Cocoba Signature Drinking Chocolate – Eat Drink Love
Mini Book by Ruth Jones – Love Untold (Excusive First Look)
Mini Jade Gua Sha – Face Relaxing Tool in Organza Bag
Spooky Biscuit Little Ghost

Here are more of my pictures… (leaves and pumpkins were not included in the box)

What’s my honest opinion for this month?

When I first opened this box and took a peek inside I just knew I was going to love it. I also appreciate just how hard it must be to keep regular subscribers like myself, happy, due to them not wanting to constantly repeat certain items. But this month Zoe and her Treatbox team have really out-done themselves!

Where do I start?! Let’s go with my favourite item, and it has to be the socks! I’m someone who has continually said I love the socks that come in Treatbox, but this time they are extra special due to them having Treatbox sewn into the design along the base. Autumnal themed and beautiful as well makes all the difference too.

Following on from the socks to receive a brand new item is excellent, the Jade Gua Sha is a face relaxing tool to help aid the skin and blood flow. We haven’t had anything of this sort before and I cannot wait to give this a go over the coming weekend.

The usual Calendar Print and the A5 Print are lovely again this month, I like to rotate my prints around my home and I just put up the ones from the last three years of Autumn Treatboxes! I must get a photo of them all together for my social media to show you!

We also have a make-able item this month which I love! Crafting our own little Pumpkin! Yay! It’s not the first time we’ve seen Make Arcade and Treatbox collaborate however it’s the first Spooky Craft Kit we’ve had, and every kit has so far been unique and unusual and I love that! We get to make something and keep it and by making it our own it becomes personal too!
Watch out on my socials because I will update you when I do this Craft kit!

What’s next? Oh yes, the huge bag of 54% cocoa chocolate! Which can be enjoyed eaten, drunk or melted. And you can even enjoy it with your Biscuit! Mine was a little Ghost and he’s so cute! Despite being smashed up in the post he will be enjoyed over the weekend too!

Finally we have the Ruth Jones mini book which is a first look chapter of an up and coming new story she’s done. Ideal to pop into your handbag if you know you’re going to be sat in a waiting room at any point this month.

Overall I think this has been one of my favourite boxes of this year so far. We have got something to eat, something to make into a drink, something to do, an item to read and something to create, an item to display and an item to wear. Plus an item which could be seen as our new self care. All of which when combined make an all rounded box or treats and will make October better for having them. With the autumn and Halloween themes combined with general luxury treats it’s a lovely box this month.

Thank you for joining me for another Reveal and Review from me, Severn Sabrina!
I loved this box it was fantastic!

Don’t forget to follow me on my social media for more updates and individual
product reviews as well as items in use too.
Search #SevernSabrina or #SevernWishesBlog

Have a great October and don’t forget to keep up to date with my socials so that
you can see when I do make my Craft Kit and use the other bits of this box too.

This month is always a great one for pictures!
I share Lifestyle and Nature Photography on my Instagram as well.

✩ Sabrina ✩

September 2022 Treatbox UK Reveal and Review

Hello September! And Hello to you!

Welcome to Severn Wishes Blog where I, Sabrina, regularly review a wide variety of things such as this Treatbox! This subscription box has been going for years and I buy one every month as a gift to myself. I review said box here on my website and showcase the products on my social media platforms too, it’s known as Sabrina’s Reveal and Review.

So what’s inside the September box? Well this month our Calendar Print reads “holding on to the last bit of summer” and I am so glad that they did! I’m not ready to admit that it’s over with for yet another year.

A beautiful lilac tissue paper and a white heart sticker leads me into unwrapping a box filled with pretty pieces and Treatbox UK originals. Let’s see exactly what’s inside…

Treatbox Original Calendar Print ~ September 2022
Treatbox Original Blank Page Notebooks with Seaside Design x 2 A5
Treatbox Original Item – Pink Jewellery Bag with Pearl Beads and Gold Chain
Oh K! Age Defence Hand Mask with Bakuchiol
Shell Shaped Trinket Dish in White and Gold
Stationery ~ Rose Gold and Pearl Topped Pen
Daily Concepts Multi-Functional Mother of Pearl Soap Sponge

Here are some more of my photographs!

What Are My Thoughts?

Overall this is a very nice box filled with several items that we have not had before from previous months. The necklace in its own original Treatbox bag, the original designed notepads and the trinket dish are stand out items for me due to their quality and appearance.

The other items are also good and I look forward to trying out the hand mask this month and using the pen. I tried it out already and it’s black ink inside and writes nicely and smoothly.

I really look forward to giving the sponge a go as well! Keep a look out on my social media images for the products in use over the coming weeks.

Thank you for joining me for another Reveal and Review from me, Severn Sabrina!

Don’t forget to follow me on social media for more updates and individual product reviews too.
Search #SevernSabrina or #SevernWishesBlog

Have a great remainder of September.

✩ Sabrina ✩

August 2022 Treatbox UK Reveal and Review

Hello August!

Are you having a good start to the month?

The sun is shining and it’s the summer holiday in my house!

Time to unbox the August 2022 Treatbox UK with me!

If you would prefer to watch the video please head to my Instagram or Facebook page.

So what did the August box offer us for this month of treats?

Treatbox Original Calendar Print
Treatbox Original Colour Me In Pages x 2 A4
Treatbox Original Item – Bound Recipe Journal Notebook
Oh K! Anti-Blue Light Sheet Masks x 2 with Ginger and Antioxidants
Gardners Cookie / Biscuit – “Tea + Biscuit Club” Quote – Vegan
Treatbox Original Item – Enamel Pin Badge “Star Baker”
Treatbox Original Item – Drinks Coaster “Time for Me”
Miss Patisserie “Happy” Essential Oils Shower Steamer Block

Here are some more photographs!

What is my Honest Opinion on the items in this August box?

We have some of the usual items in this box which include (of course) the Calendar Print and a biscuit which are regular in Treatbox and are very nice. I also see there is a Mask again this month but it’s actually two separate masks which is slightly better value as we can do two this month, or invite a friend around for a pampering session!

The Treatbox original products are unique and are really in keeping with the baking theme this month, which include the Drinks Coaster and the Recipe Journal. As someone who does a lot of cooking that is really handy! The Star Baker Pin is very fun and I have a friend that this is perfect for, I will be gifting this to her because she bakes far more and far better than I do! Ha!

The set of two colouring sheets are fun and are back this month. I always find Adult Colouring to be calming for me. Check out my social media for updates on these as I fill them in as the weeks progress…

What do we have left to talk about? Well if you watched my unboxing video on August 2nd you will know that I started having an allergic reaction to the Shower Steamer block during my recording, orange is something I became allergic to a couple of years ago and I could no longer eat or drink this without feeling poorly. When I smelt the shower block my nose instantly started to run and my eyes started to itch. Sadly I had to wrap this product up in the Treatbox plastic packaging as soon as I hit the stop button. I quickly photographed it later that day, before wrapping it again and giving it to my mother so that it was removed entirely from my house. Such a shame because I liked how the product sounded in principal! I hope my mother enjoys it!

So what are the best items this month? I really think the quality of the Treatbox UK original products are excellent and they are items that can be continually used and enjoyed and are also useful. The coaster will brighten your day, the journal is ready for whenever recipe inspiration strikes, and the rest of the items can be enjoyed over the course of the next four weeks. Keep checking my social media for individual item reviews. I will let you know how I get on with the mask!

Thank you very much for joining in for another Reveal and Review from Severn Sabrina!

Wishing you a great August month! Don’t forget to follow me on social media for more updates and individual product reviews too.

✩ Sabrina ✩

April 2022 Treatbox UK Reveal and Review

Hello! It’s Treatbox Day! And it’s time for the April 2022 Treatbox Reveal and Review.

View my Unboxing Video over on my Facebook or my Instagram.

Hello April!

It’s been quite a nice start to the month, some sunshine with occasional snow showers – the usual weird mix for Spring! But the Blossom is out and that is my favourite!
I was very much looking forward to Revealing this box due to the success of March 2022, I was not disappointed! Let’s unbox this one now!

What’s Inside the April 2022 box from Treatbox UK?

April Calendar Print
Light Blue Ribbed Cloud Design Socks
Gardners Cookies (Egg & Dairy Free) Iced Biscuit “Behind the Cloud. the Sun still shines”
Treatbox Original Sticky Notes – Cloud Design “You Got This”
Treatbox Original Shopping List Notepad – Dusky Pink Cloud Design
Treatbox & The Make Arcade Collab – Umbrella Glitter Shower Make Your Own Craft Kit
Treatbox Original Positive Affirmation Card “Stay Close to People Who Feel Like Sunshine”
Treatbox Original Keyring (Cloud Design) “Never Forget How Amazing You Are”
Treatbox Original Self Care Daily Checklist (2 + Months Worth)
Timeless Aromas Heart Shape Wax Melts in Candy Cloud Scent

My Honest Opinion on this month’s Contents.

There were several really nice and unique Treatbox original items in this April box, which I will most definitely be using! The shopping list comes in particularly handy for someone like myself, and the sticky notes are again a great piece of stationery that can be used all around the home. It was also nice to have an array of different items, an edible one, a wearable one, a make-able thing and plenty of positive affirming ones too.

I love the socks! I love socks in general but I love the quality of these socks that we receive from Treatbox, they wash and wear really well. Love the clouds design!
Again the keyring and the small card are positive reinforcement because I am sure we could all do with some with everything that is going on for us all both personally and on a global scale.

Love the idea of the self care checklist, though I’m not sure if I will get to tick off a square every single day – though I will certainly try! Self Care is not Selfish yet as a single parent some days I do struggle to find that balance. But I am trying to do better for myself.

Overall a lovely box, some really useful items, I look forward to a cup of tea with my biscuit and I will sit down and attempt the Craft Kit before the end of the month! And I promise I will put the finished piece on my social media for you all to see it! (Hides face in hands) Sewing is not my forte folks but I am very craft orientated so I shall give it my best shot!

The April 2022 Treatbox was filled with a positive and self care importance vibe, and with the calming clouds design I definitely feel as though it’s starting April off in the right way.
Now let’s hope it stays that way!

Thank you so much for joining me for this April 2022 Treatbox UK Unboxing, Reveal and Review. I really hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog post. I will be uploading various photography during the month from the products featured this month so don’t forget to follow all my socials and keep in touch for all the latest from Severn Wishes Blog!

Have a wonderful April!

✩ Sabrina ✩

January 2022 Treatbox Reveal and Review

Wow! It’s 2022! Hello Everyone! Hello January!
A brand new year means a brand new Treatbox to unbox!
This is box number…70 for me!

Welcome to my Reveal and Review of this Subscription Box from TreatboxUK!

What is Inside this January 2022 Box? The Big Reveal!

Treatbox January 2022 Calendar Print
Treatbox Original Habit Tracker Card for the Year Ahead
Clipper Organic Peppermint Infusion Tea Bags x 2
Daily Concepts Multifunctional Soap Sponge Aloe Vera 45g
Chickidee Homeware Rose Tapered Pink Candle with Scent of Rose
Treatbox Inspirational Card “Always Believe Something Amazing Is About To Happen”
Treatbox Original 2022 Diary “Everything I Do No Matter How Small Leads Me To Where I Need To Be”
Vitamasques Marine Gold Dust Hydrating Sheet Mask with Plumping
Amazonite Green Stone Bracelet “To Relieve Stress and is Known as a Lucky Stone”
Beautiful Treatbox Original Bookmark “Small Steps Everyday”

My Honest Opinion on the January 2022 Box from TreatboxUK

The first box of the New Year and it’s a very good one! My unboxing was thrilling, I could smell the Rose candle as I peeled open the tissue paper, and as I came across lots of Treatbox Original items such as the Diary and the Card I was very happy. My favourite items are the Diary, Bookmark, Inspirational Card and the gorgeous bracelet. I put the bracelet on immediately and I cannot wait to use the Diary and the Tea Bags. Overall it’s a great box with lots of interesting things inside. It was nice to see some Treatbox Original items that were once again unique, the Habit Tracker for the year is great! Although I may want to change the Habit part to Happiness Tracker! And every time I have a good day I will colour it in 🙂
I like a Peppermint Tea so I shall enjoy those, and I really look forward to trying the Soap-Sponge.

Thank you for reading this blog post, I hope you have enjoyed this Reveal and Review.

Have a wonderful remainder of January 2022!

✩ Sabrina ✩