April 2020 Treatbox Reveal

Hello! Happy April to you!
Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes and reading the April 2020 Treatbox UK Reveal and Review with me, Sabrina.

It’s Spring Time! It’s also Isolation Lockdown in the UK! I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the NHS, the other Key Workers such as Supermarket Staff, Delivery Drivers, the Post Force, and those who create Subscription services like Zoe and her team at Treatbox UK! They are keeping spirits high and are making us a bit happier in this dark situation, by making sure we get our post! Thank you!

The theme of this month’s box is “Time To Bloom” all ready for Spring.

The pink tissue paper wrapped around our April gifts this month has a sticker that reads “Keep Going” which is so appropriate with everything going on right now.

What’s actually inside this month’s box then?

Treatbox “You Are Enough” Drinks Coaster
Packet of Seeds “Keep Going Keep Growing”

Treatbox “It’s Your Time To Bloom” Special Positivity Diary
Treatbox A5 Print “Bloom Where You Are Planted”
Flower & White Raspberry Meringue Bar ~ 96 calories & GF
Joe Cool Pair of Flowery Socks

Here are some more images of the contents of the April box.

April 2020 Treatbox UK Reveal

My Honest Opinion on the Contents of the month’s box

Overall I am very happy with the April 2020 box. I love the Print, the Coaster and the Positivity Diary most. The floral design throughout really made me happy when I saw it, very pretty and representing Spring in a beautiful and colourful way.

Something like this diary will bring me a lot of joy to complete. And I plan on keeping it once it is full and then look back on it in years to come. This virus will be a turning point in some many peoples lives, and documenting what it was like will be interesting to show my children or even my grand children one day (hopefully!).

Socks are always nice to receive I think, and getting a pretty item is a bonus. I like that the edible item is British made in Shropshire from Eggs from this county, and considering it was the county I was born in, I like it even better!

Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.

Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone?

Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their 

Don’t forget you can follow my social media such as Instagram for more Treatbox photos and updates throughout the month including me using items! @SevernSabrina

Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes, have a great month of April! If you need some ideas for baking with the children or arts and crafts please check out the rest of my blog for inspiration.

✩ Sabrina ✩

I really needed to hear this quote this week, a great addition to my collection of coasters from Treatbox over the years! I think this has been my favourite so far!

February 2020 Treatbox Reveal

Hello Treatbox Fans!
It’s time for the February 2020 Treatbox Reveal and Review!

Greeted by baby pink paper and a sticker that reads “Awesome People’s Club” the February treatbox smells nice as I open it up…

The first thing I notice is the scarf, wow it’s beautiful! It has instantly become my favourite item inside this month’s box. I look forward to wearing it.

White Scarf with Triangular Pattern Details
“Dream Big” Long Cosmetics Bag / Pencil Case
“Don’t Worry if Today Feels a Little Grey” Treatbox Card
Self Care Print A5
Korean Beauty Mask – Purifying Pink Clay Sheet Mask
Whitworth’s Shots – Berry and White Chocolate – Healthy Snack
Pink Heart Bath Bomb

A Sticker – I think! Will Update! “Beautiful Inside and Out”

My Honest Opinion

Here we are everyone, it’s February! I was looking forward to this box, as it could have literally been anything and the themes aren’t a thing anymore. Knowing it would be self care and making time for yourself is always good, but it’s also different for every person.

I’m very pleased with most of its contents. I especially like the scarf, the case and the shots. The quotes and the quality in these three items are right up my street. The card is also nice and has a good quote to remind us all that grey days do eventually pass. The bath bomb is a nice touch but I honestly don’t have much time to relax in the bath these days! HA!

We do have yet another Korean Beauty, which I would like to see something else inside the next box, perhaps still beauty but not a mask, maybe a lip balm, a stick on tattoo or even something like jewellery perhaps… the final item I think might be a sticker of some sort, but without the useful calendar and explanation page I can’t tell you what it is! I shall find out from Zoe and update my blog accordingly!

Finally the quote on the A5 print this month hit home to me, we often find ourselves so busy to do self care, I know I do. Some days I do feel I am just giving what is left, and I want the people directly in my life to have the best parts of me.

Overall I have really liked the February box, there have been some nice items and a good improvement on the products inside too.

Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone?

Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their 

Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.

Don’t forget you can follow my social media such as Instagram for more Treatbox photos and updates throughout the month including me using items! @SevernSabrina

Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes, have a great February!

✩ Sabrina ✩

January 2020 Treatbox Reveal

Hello There! Happy New Year!

Welcome to the January 2020 Treatbox Reveal and Review.

So inside the Treatbox the sticker reads “Warning, Opening this Package will result in Happiness” and there are also two pieces of paper.

The first one reads “Happy New Year” and tells us that Zoe is making some changes to these monthly boxes, to make them about Positivity and “Looking After Yourself”.
She has chosen to remove the leaflet about the products and that also means that we no longer get the Calendar Print. Zoe says if we have her Treatbox Newsletter then we could download one. But I didn’t notice that available on my email and it’s now 10th January so is there much point? I don’t have a printer, so I wouldn’t be able to use the calendar unless I used it digitally. I liked having the calendar to write on so I will miss this aspect of the box… it used to go on my fridge…

The second paper says “January” and outlines that this box will be about Positivity and ways we can introduce more of that into our daily lives. The card tells about ways in which we could do that at home. In short, Start the day on a Positive, Focus on what is Good and finally Set Short Term Goals. These are all good points, I almost wish the back of the card had a positive quote or a pretty picture on the back of it too though!

This box has a dark navy tissue paper wrapping up all this month’s treats inside. Inside the January box you shall find…

Organised Chaos Mini Notepad
A “Keep Going” Treatbox Pin

Vitamasques Evening Goggle Eye Mask – Repair and Relax
Sweet Tooth Pack of 2 Air Fresheners – Apple and Very Berry
Sweet Tooth “Pretty Little Thing” Speech Bubble Ring Dish
Willow & Rose “Smile” White Keyring Leather Charm

My Honest Opinion

So I get that Zoe wants to revamp the boxes and that’s great, although it is a shame the calendar is no longer included. I love the positivity that she wants to spread. However if this is going to be a face or eye mask every time then I can’t see me keeping up my subscription. We also have yet another ring dish, those who are regular subscribers will probably have about seven of these now. I gave two away recently I had never used. You don’t need a lot of these things, otherwise they just clutter your home unnecessarily. The air fresheners are also not my cup of tea, they are the sort of thing you get for free when you have your car cleaned! I believe that is the poor item this month.

I will end on a positive however, the pin is fantastic! It’s just what I needed to hear at the moment, the “Keep Going” quote resonated with me this month and I like its rainbow design as well. The keyring charm thing is also nice and of good quality, and reads “Smile”. It will make a nice bag charm, I may put it on my changing backpack to remind me to smile even if I’m changing a nappy ha! ha! The notepad is useful but I can guarantee I have enough note books and pads now to last me around ten years, and I regularly make lists!

A mixed bunch for this newly designed monthly box, so I will see what the next two are like. My birthday is in March so I will subscribe until then as a gift to myself, then I think I will reevaluate.

Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone?
Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their 

Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.

Don’t forget you can follow my social media such as Instagram for more Treatbox photos and updates throughout the month including me using items! @SevernSabrina

Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes, have a great January!

✩ Sabrina ✩

November 2019 Treatbox Reveal

Hello readers! This is the November 2019 Treatbox Reveal
with me, Sabrina of Severn Wishes Blog.

Happy Treatbox Day!
My apologies for the delay in bringing you this November Treatbox reveal. I hope that you can forgive its lateness.

It has a pretty lilac tissue paper this month… Top Tip! Open the paper carefully and re-use it to wrap something for someone at Christmas this year! Recycle your Treatbox Tissue Paper!

Don’t forget you can follow my social media for more Treatbox photos and updates throughout the month including me using items!

Here are the contents of the November box.
This month there are 5 physical items in total, 10 Cards, along with 1 A5 Print and of course the usual Calendar Print.

November Calendar Print
A5 Print “Time To Relax”

Mindfulness Prompt Cards – 10 Cards
Sign Decoration “home”
Clipper Hot Chocolate Fairtrade Instant Drink 28g
Candy Kittens Bag of Sweets! Tropical Mango – Vegan 54g
Rose Gold Dust Sheet Mask – Moisturising Face Mask 20ml
Pink Sparkle Tealights – 12

My Opinion on the November 2019 Box

The items I like most in this month’s box are ‘home’ sign, the mindfulness prompt cards, the sweets and the mask.

I will be gifting away the hot chocolate because it’s not dairy free sadly, but I know of someone who will love it so it’s going in as a Christmas Stocking filler!

I am most looking forward to eating the sweets, hanging up my ‘home’ sign on the wall. And I will try using the mindfulness cards too for the coming weeks.

This is a positive card that I do intend to take inspiration from, this is a lovely idea to incorporate at the end of your day instead of a diary entry.
Candy Kitten Sweets are Vegan! And So Yum!
More of the mindfulness cards…
I actually achieved this card this month, two large bags of unwanted clothes and bric-a-brac have gone to a charity shop.
These candles smell nice…
Not much relaxing happening for me at the moment, so the mask is going in my drawer for a time when I have an hour or two free in order to pamper myself!

Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone?
Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their 

Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.

Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes, I hope you enjoyed this Review. See you again soon.

✩ Sabrina ✩

October 2019 Treatbox Reveal

Hello readers! It’s time for the October 2019 Treatbox Reveal
with me, Sabrina of Severn Wishes Blog.

Happy Treatbox Day! It is time for some unboxing! This is my Reveal and Review of the October Treatbox.

It has a tissue paper of deep purple again this month and the sticker says “xoxo Treatbox” on it.

Don’t forget you can follow my social media for more Treatbox photos and updates throughout the month!

Here are the contents of the October box, this month there are 9 items in total, 7 physical, 1 Recipe Print and of course the Calendar Print.

October Calendar Print
Print as a Recipe “Millionaires Shortbread”

Bakedin Chocolate Brownie in a Mug Mix
Joe Cool – Pair of Socks – Green Panda for me! Cute!
Purple Tree Miracle Balm – Papaya Flavour for me! For Dry Lips & Skin
Drink Me Chai Spiced Chai Latte Drink Sachet
After Spa – Soap + Sponge 2 in 1 Oatmeal
Notepad for Recipes including space for writing Method & Ingredients
Bookmark – “When It Rains Look For Rainbows, When It’s Dark Look For Stars”

Here are some more images of the contents from this October box…

Calendar Print and Bookmark
Miracle Balm and Socks
Chai Latte, Brownie in a Mug Mix and Oatmeal Soap + Sponge
Calendar Print, Recipe, Recipe Notepad and Bookmark

My Opinion on the October 2019 Box

I really love some of the items in this months box, especially the Socks, Balm, Bookmark, Recipe Notepad and Brownie Mix!

I love Reading and this Bookmark has one of my favourite quotes of all time on it!

The socks are great quality and the Panda is so cute too! I am someone who nearly always has socks on her feet because they get cold so easily.

The Miracle Balm is a great handbag size and can be used on any dry skin. It smells lovely and I used it on my lips and found it very smooth.

I will definitely be using the Recipes Notepad because I’m always making up new recipes in my kitchen, and I often don’t have anywhere to write them down, so I write on post-it notes or a note on my phone. Now they can go on here! Hurrah!

Finally the Brownie in a Box is great because it has no dairy in it so I can eat it! Yay! I can add dairy free butter to it and even soya milk if I’d like, when I do enjoy it! I will pop it on my social media when I do!

The other additions to the box of a Recipe is lovely (I may have to alter it to suit our family allergies but I will give it a go at some point!) and the Soap + Sponge is rather intriguing! I will be gifting the Chai off to my Sister who loves this sort of thing!

All in all a very good box and I’m happy with the contents.

Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone?
Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their 

Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.

Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes today, I hope you enjoyed the Review of this Treatbox and that I see you here again soon. 

✩ Sabrina ✩