Hello! It’s time for the March 2022 Treatbox UK unboxing, Reveal and Review!

March is my Birthday month, and it is of course when we welcome Spring and everything about new life! I was excited when I opened the box and the theme inside was “Daisy” as in the flowers! I wonder what treats await me…

I decided to video record my unboxing for this Treatbox, it has been years since I did one but I felt like the time was right to bring the video aspect back! You can see it on my Facebook page or my Instagram account if you would prefer to watch the video. If not please keep reading as I unbox this amazing March box from TreatboxUK.

What is Inside the March 2022 Box?
Treatbox UK March 2022 Calendar Print
Daily Mood Colouring Page
Treatbox Original Notepad with Daisy’s
Oxeye Daisy Seeds for us to Plant
Silver Plated Daisy Earrings
Clipper Chamomile Tea x 2 Bags
Daisy Pin Badge “You are one of a kind so be Kind to yourself”
Daisy Chain Coaster “You’re so beautiful when you bloom your own way”
Yellow Daisy Pen

What is my Honest Opinion on this Box?
Okay so I have had A LOT of Treat boxes over the years, and this March 2022 box is right up there with some of the greats. I loved the Daisy theme, and I loved how the theme was apparent across everything in the box, from the bought items through to the Treatbox Originals.
I loved every item, but if I had to pick three favourites they would be… The Earrings, The Daisy Pin Badge and the Coaster. But closely followed by the Notepad and the Colouring sheet. I think these unique colouring pages are an excellent calming aspect of the boxes and I would love to keep seeing them included in the Treat boxes to come.
Overall a wonderful box that has left me with very high expectations for April! (Oops!)
I loved that we had items to do and to use and to make, rather than them all just be items to sit around gathering dust. PLUS I thought that no face / eye masks this month was a great thing too! It’s wonderful to have new things that we have not seen in Treatbox yet. I now have so many coasters that are all so unique I am just going to start collecting Coasters now, it’s my new thing 😀
Thanks Zoe and the Team for creating this extra special box this month!

Thank you for reading this Unboxing Reveal today, I hope you have enjoyed it.
Please pop by in early April to see the next Reveal and Review of Treatbox UK! OR Check out my social media for the unboxing video which will be going live once I receive the box!
Have a lovely month of March and I hope to see you back again soon.
✩ Sabrina ✩