Sabrina is a Lifestyle, Parenting and Product Review Blogger. A Writer, Photographer, Reviewer, Home Cook, Crafter & Nature Enthusiast. You will find a bit of all those categories here on Severn Wishes Blog, Welcome to Sabrina's Lifestyle Blogging & Honest Reviews.
Hello! It’s Treatbox Day! And it’s time for the April 2022 Treatbox Reveal and Review.
View my Unboxing Video over on my Facebook or my Instagram.
Hello April!
It’s been quite a nice start to the month, some sunshine with occasional snow showers – the usual weird mix for Spring! But the Blossom is out and that is my favourite! I was very much looking forward to Revealing this box due to the success of March 2022, I was not disappointed! Let’s unbox this one now!
What’s Inside the April 2022 box from Treatbox UK?
April Calendar Print Light Blue Ribbed Cloud Design Socks Gardners Cookies (Egg & Dairy Free) Iced Biscuit “Behind the Cloud. the Sun still shines” Treatbox Original Sticky Notes – Cloud Design “You Got This” Treatbox Original Shopping List Notepad – Dusky Pink Cloud Design Treatbox & The Make Arcade Collab – Umbrella Glitter Shower Make Your Own Craft Kit Treatbox Original Positive Affirmation Card “Stay Close to People Who Feel Like Sunshine” Treatbox Original Keyring (Cloud Design) “Never Forget How Amazing You Are” Treatbox Original Self Care Daily Checklist (2 + Months Worth) Timeless Aromas Heart Shape Wax Melts in Candy Cloud Scent
My Honest Opinion on this month’s Contents.
There were several really nice and unique Treatbox original items in this April box, which I will most definitely be using! The shopping list comes in particularly handy for someone like myself, and the sticky notes are again a great piece of stationery that can be used all around the home. It was also nice to have an array of different items, an edible one, a wearable one, a make-able thing and plenty of positive affirming ones too.
I love the socks! I love socks in general but I love the quality of these socks that we receive from Treatbox, they wash and wear really well. Love the clouds design! Again the keyring and the small card are positive reinforcement because I am sure we could all do with some with everything that is going on for us all both personally and on a global scale.
Love the idea of the self care checklist, though I’m not sure if I will get to tick off a square every single day – though I will certainly try! Self Care is not Selfish yet as a single parent some days I do struggle to find that balance. But I am trying to do better for myself.
Overall a lovely box, some really useful items, I look forward to a cup of tea with my biscuit and I will sit down and attempt the Craft Kit before the end of the month! And I promise I will put the finished piece on my social media for you all to see it! (Hides face in hands) Sewing is not my forte folks but I am very craft orientated so I shall give it my best shot!
The April 2022 Treatbox was filled with a positive and self care importance vibe, and with the calming clouds design I definitely feel as though it’s starting April off in the right way. Now let’s hope it stays that way!
Thank you so much for joining me for this April 2022 Treatbox UK Unboxing, Reveal and Review. I really hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog post. I will be uploading various photography during the month from the products featured this month so don’t forget to follow all my socials and keep in touch for all the latest from Severn Wishes Blog!
Hello! It’s time for the March 2022 Treatbox UK unboxing, Reveal and Review!
March is my Birthday month, and it is of course when we welcome Spring and everything about new life! I was excited when I opened the box and the theme inside was “Daisy” as in the flowers! I wonder what treats await me…
I decided to video record my unboxing for this Treatbox, it has been years since I did one but I felt like the time was right to bring the video aspect back! You can see it on my Facebook page or my Instagram account if you would prefer to watch the video. If not please keep reading as I unbox this amazing March box from TreatboxUK.
What is Inside the March 2022 Box?
Treatbox UK March 2022 Calendar Print Daily Mood Colouring Page Treatbox Original Notepad with Daisy’s Oxeye Daisy Seeds for us to Plant Silver Plated Daisy Earrings Clipper Chamomile Tea x 2 Bags Daisy Pin Badge “You are one of a kind so be Kind to yourself” Daisy Chain Coaster “You’re so beautiful when you bloom your own way” Yellow Daisy Pen
What is my Honest Opinion on this Box?
Okay so I have had A LOT of Treat boxes over the years, and this March 2022 box is right up there with some of the greats. I loved the Daisy theme, and I loved how the theme was apparent across everything in the box, from the bought items through to the Treatbox Originals.
I loved every item, but if I had to pick three favourites they would be… The Earrings, The Daisy Pin Badge and the Coaster. But closely followed by the Notepad and the Colouring sheet. I think these unique colouring pages are an excellent calming aspect of the boxes and I would love to keep seeing them included in the Treat boxes to come.
Overall a wonderful box that has left me with very high expectations for April! (Oops!) I loved that we had items to do and to use and to make, rather than them all just be items to sit around gathering dust. PLUS I thought that no face / eye masks this month was a great thing too! It’s wonderful to have new things that we have not seen in Treatbox yet. I now have so many coasters that are all so unique I am just going to start collecting Coasters now, it’s my new thing 😀
A TOP TOP TOP BOX! Thanks Zoe and the Team for creating this extra special box this month!
Thank you for reading this Unboxing Reveal today, I hope you have enjoyed it.
Please pop by in early April to see the next Reveal and Review of Treatbox UK! OR Check out my social media for the unboxing video which will be going live once I receive the box!
Have a lovely month of March and I hope to see you back again soon.
Hello everyone, I hope this latest blog piece finds you all well.
Today I am discussing the 5 healthy choices that I do all the time, that are easy enough so that anyone can get behind them! You’ll feel better if you accomplish even one of these this new year, because they are not only good for your body but also your mind, let us all have a healthy year ahead.
Drink More Water
I cannot stress enough how so many people don’t drink enough water every day. Women and Men need at least two litres of water a day to aid blood pressure and digestion and to help cell renewal in the skin. I personally aim for 2.5 litres a day and use my reusable water bottles. You will also find that by drinking more water your organs and joints will be cushioned and hydrated. Water contains minerals too, such as Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride and Sodium to name but a few. Water is essential for good kidney and bladder health and helps them by removing toxins that have built up. If these aren’t enough reasons for drinking more water then how about this, by drinking a glass of water when you first wake up it stabilises your blood pressure and kick starts your digestive system, meaning when you start your day your breakfast is ready to be harvested for all its nutrients. To top it off your brain can also respond with regular and consistent water in take, including by improving your mood and memory. So why not try and drink more water this year, once you get into the habit of it and you feel the improvements for yourself your body will ask you for more. That is why a reusable water bottle is great, I carry one everywhere I go.
2. Swap to some Dairy Free food items
You may not believe me now, but making a few swaps to things such as Dairy Free Butter (which is delicious by the way) can help with things such as cholesterol and get you to eat less salt too. You can still bake and cook with Dairy Free Butter and because it’s so tasty you wouldn’t know the difference. I would never go back now to a dairy based butter or spread. I love the Vitalite spread! Perfect in Mashed Potatoes and fab for baking too!
One reason to go dairy free is the choice you have, wow what a range! Plant based or nut based milks are healthier options for you and most alternative milks are fortified with vitamins and minerals too. You may also find that some have lower calories and are better for your body because they are hydrating. Some people (like my family) use alternatives due to allergies and medical conditions. However you can still make the change to a healthier alternative for both your body and the climate. Most people find they have more energy and are less bloated and have less digestive issues by swapping from dairy to the alternatives out there, finding one that you like might be hard because there is a massive choice. However my Doctor recommended unsweetened Soya Milk in small amounts or Oat Milk because they are both filled with Vitamins and Minerals necessary to maintain a healthy body such as Calcium.
Dairy Free Cheeses are getting better every year! When I first went Dairy Free there were two choices on the shelf in the chilled isle, now there is a whole fridge dedicated to various types and varieties of dairy free cheese, be it grated, hard, soft or even something in between them all! The only way you can know is to try it for yourself one day. I do recommend the Violife range though!
3. Taking a 15 to 30 Minute Break for Fresh Air Every Day
Fresh Air is so important and a lot of us don’t get enough of it, so if you make one new year resolution this year make sure it’s to get more of it. Even if the weather is bad, standing in your garden under an umbrella still counts. You could walk and that would be even better because it would be light exercise too!
Fresh Air is vital for blood pressure and heart rate by providing clean oxygen for your body, it also aids digestion by increasing oxygen flow through your organs. Fresh Air also improves your mood and can make your happier. Oxygen is vital for good brain health and mood so the more fresh oxygen you can get every day the more you’ll feel the benefit of it.
Breathing in fresh air can also help to reduce the risk of getting air born illnesses and infections by clearing the sinuses. People are more likely to lose weight and stay fit by going for a daily walk and getting both their heart rate up a little and by breathing in plenty of fresh air. Even if you live in the city search on local maps for parks and green spaces. You never know what you might see on your walk either, make it fun for children and play a game like eye spy or pick a letter every day and each person has to spot five things beginning with that letter.
As the weather improves into Spring this will be a much easier one to do every day.
Find Somewhere Local, Green and Full of Nature and Enjoy
4. Do Something You Love for Half an Hour a Day – For Your Mental Health
Most of us prioritise lots of things above our mental health, including housework and other chores, when we should be either resting or doing something for ourselves. Try to make a list of what needs to be done that day and what can be put off until tomorrow. It’s important to get through your every day necessities at home without feeling guilty about wanting to do something for you. And when you’re a parent you get even less time to yourself so it’s very important to take that half an hour, just to fit it in somewhere if you can. I usually have my half an hour before bed, gaming, reading, writing, catching up on a television program I have recorded…
Choose Happy and Healthy
5. Eat a Rainbow of Coloured Foods Every Week
This may sound like a simple one, but I have read many studies that suggest eating a variety of fruit and vegetables over the course of a week, and not just the same four or five every day, gives our bodies the varied vitamins and minerals that it needs to stay healthy. So why not try adding a different lunch and a different evening meal to your routine this week, start to experiment more and try that piece of fruit that you always see in the supermarket but never buy! The more colour the better. Check out my recipes on my blog for some inspiration to start with!
You can get your five or more a day through fruit juice, fruit pieces that are fresh, frozen or tinned, frozen veggies or fresh ones, they all count towards your total. My photograph below shows a typical dinner for myself, and I usually get one of my five during the cooking of my evening meal, I regularly eat a whole raw Carrot while I cook!
If you find that you’re struggling to get your 5 fruit and veg a day (for whatever reason) and feel like you’re lacking something in your diet, perhaps consider taking a multivitamin to give your body a boost, even if just through the winter. Most people lack Vitamin C and D during the colder months.
Eating More Colour Is Better For Your Health
Thank you for reading this blog post today and I do hope that you enjoyed it. If you do take me up on any of my healthy suggestions do comment and let me know how you’re getting on.
Have a wonderful last few days of January! Best wishes!
It’s time to Reveal the April 2021 TreatboxUK box!
I was intrigued to see what would be inside because of how much I loved the March box!
I wasn’t disappointed! The box is filled with uplifting items!
✩ What Was In The April 2021 Box? ✩
April Calendar Print
Treatbox Original Pin “Little Steps Still Get You There” Treatbox Square Print “If You have Good Thoughts they will Shine out of your Face like Sunbeams and you will Always Look Lovely”
Biscuit “Focus on the Good” Smiley Design White Ribbed Socks
teapigs Happy Tea ~ Tea Bags x 2 Lemon Balm
Sensory Retreats Amour Eyes Self Heating Eye Mask
The Happy News by Emily Coxhead~ A Newspaper filled with Positivity
✩ My Opinion of the April Box Contents ✩ What I really liked most about this box was how happy it was! The positive vibes emanated from every item. I laughed out loud when I saw the socks, they are so funny! Then I began to read the TreatboxUK originals like the Print and the Pin. They are all positive or uplifting and that makes for an overall delightfully lovely box. I look forward to eating the biscuit and drinking the uplifting tea. A Calendar Print is always handy, I am going to use mine as a meal planner for the month I think! The eye mask I will certainly use at some point in the future too!
Did you know that you can view all of my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox. The April 2021 was box number 61 for me!!!
Thank you for reading this Review and Reveal for the April Treatbox! If you liked it why not check out my other reviews too!Have a great Easter weekend!
Sabrina’s Top Tips for having a more Positive 7 Days
Everyone seems to be feeling a bit low lately, it’s bound to be the Winter Blues mixed in with everything to do with the Pandemic. There are so many people who have found themselves working from home again, and many young people who are studying at home again too. With all this time stuck at home there are lots of anxious feelings and negativity, so I’m here with some suggestions to try and put a positive spin back into your home environment!
So here is my solution to tackle the blues, try to take half an hour out of your day as a family unit, every afternoon for the next week, after work is over and after the schooling is done for the day. Pick one of these ideas of mine to do together, a different one every day in any order you like.
I guarantee they will have you feeling more positive by the end of day 7! You can do them in any order you like! Or do one of them twice if it’s a hit! If you play along please comment on this post or on my socials at the end of the week and tell me which activity your family preferred and whether these activities did in fact work for you and increase your family’s positive attitudes.
Go for a Walk (Weather Dependent) and play a game as you go! Ideal for parents with younger children who are still enthralled by the nature of “eye spy”. But the fresh air and endorphins combined should make all of you feel better too. Older children may want to go for a jog or a bike ride if that’s more your thing, so long as it’s half an hour outdoors with your family, all together.
Watch a Funny TV Show or Cartoon. Laugher really can help you to feel better, even for a brief moment, so why not stick on a tv show or a favourite cartoon that never failed to make you laugh and giggle together. Tom and Jerry is a good one!
Bake or Make Something Delicious! I have a ton of recipes on my blog and some don’t even take that long to do. So why not make some chocolate crispy cakes or even some rocky road, something simple and even something that doesn’t require baking to save you time! Then you’ll have a tasty treat for a few afternoons to come! See what you’ve got in the cupboard! Here is my baking section HERE.
Get Creative. You can do one of two things with this creative activity depending upon the age of the people in your household. Either, do a rotating draw-off where by you each start with a piece of A4 paper and one coloured pen (all varying colours) and you keep rotating the papers every minute, do this until 4 minutes is up. Everyone should’ve drawn on each of the pieces of paper. No talking! See what you’ve come up with! Share them with me on social media! #SabrinasCreativeCrafts OR You can play the Sentences Game. The idea is to make up a creative story, it should be funny, and you once again rotate the papers. This time you want long strips and not A4. Cut a vertical A4 in half twice or get your strips. Once the first minute is up and the first sentence has been written, you all fold over the section and pass it on. When the time is up you each open up the papers to find a story.
For example; There once was a man who couldn’t find his shoes. I think I want some KFC he thought. He headed off in the direction of the sunset. In the end his dog ran away and joined the circus.
If you have teenagers then you could play the game another way, this is called CONSEQUENCES, you start by writing on each of the papers the following things, add extra if you have a large family so that everyone will get a go at each section when the papers are passed on. They usually go like this… ___ Met ___ At ___ They said ___ What happened next was ___ OR The Consequence was ___
Then unroll it after everyone has had their turn and the sections are completed, then take turns in reading them out. See my photo below this list for an idea of what it would look like when you finished! Warning my examples may cause laughter!
Photos! Another fun thing that would brighten your spirits is to look back at any photo albums that you have or digital slideshows. You could even play a game while you look through them. Every time that your mum is seen with sunglasses on she gets a point, each time someone hasn’t got their hat on when they should you lose a point! First person to spot the water in the photos gets a point. Etc etc! Make up some rules before you start and say that the first person to 10 points gets out of doing the washing up tonight! Or the winner chooses what’s for dinner the next night! Involve one another in every day things.
Write a List of Goals and Aspirations for 2021 – but only write the do-able ones! For example, I want to bake a cake for mums birthday. OR I would like to walk a mile on the next weekend that is dry and sunny. When you achieve something, even if it’s a little thing, you feel so much better about having accomplished it. Setting some realistic goals now for the year might seem silly when we don’t know what’s around the corner, however even if the goals are just for the people in your bubble, it’s still doable. Put them up on your fridge or board and tick yours off when you have completed it.
Make a Meal Together. No matter how old you all are there is something fun about making dinner together. May I suggest something that everyone can get stuck into such as Fajitas, Curry, Sausages and Mash or Lasagne (dietary requirements permitting). I have tons of recipes on my blog if you need inspiring! But making and preparing food together before you eat it can be a real bonding experience, and it can also be important for teaching younger children where foods come from or that by mixing this with that you achieve this outcome. Food is something that has been so important during the first lockdowns so I thought I would continue on with that and try and get you back into your kitchen to make something you love together. Check out my Recipes HERE.
Why Not Try And Make My Delicious Cookies? Click the link in section 3 for the recipe!
The Consequences Game – Imaginative Fun for the older children in your family.
I really hope that you’ve enjoyed this blog post and that you would like to participate in my week of positivity. If you do participate in any of them or attempt to get those in your bubble to do so, then please let me know how you got on! I can’t wait to see if you make anything as well 🙂 tag me online! And thanks for joining me!
I’m Sabrina of Severn Wishes Blog, and I give honest reviews on a wide range of products and subscription boxes that I purchase, today it’s the turn of Treatbox UK.
Hello readers! How are you? It’s time for me to discuss the May 2020 Treatbox Reveal.
Remember to follow me on my social media for more Treatbox photos, with the products in use and updates on my individual thoughts and reviews too!
Here are the contents of the May box, this month there are 7 items plus the Treatbox Original A5 Print.
Print “It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.” “You Got This” Emery Board Seacret Mineral Soap 30g All Earth Natural Bath Accessories Skin Scrub Heart Relax Pink Himalayan Bath Salts – Pure and Unscented Bee Good Vanilla & Honey Lip Balm (Made with Honey from British Bees) JeJu Korean Beauty Intensely Hydrating Coconut Oil Hair Mask Korean Beauty Replenishing JeJu Island Hydrogel Face Mask
My Honest Opinion I really loved the print this month, the quote was great and appropriate for everyone who is struggling with self care during this most difficult time. I totally believe in being kind to yourself, this is one of the reasons why I buy a Treatbox for myself each month, it is my gift to me, from me.
The Lip Balm was nice when I used it, it made my lips lovely and smooth. An extra emery board around the house isn’t a bad thing either, loving the quote of “You Got This” and the cool pattern on it!
I had a Seacret Soap in a Treatbox a couple of years ago and I still haven’t used that! So I now have two!
The Relax bath salts sound lovely, if I had the time to have a bath! Ha! Ha! They will go in my drawer that I call “to do and try when I have some time to herself” in other words my self care drawer!
I don’t like the fact that we have yet more Korean Beauty items this month. I still have ones that I haven’t used, I just don’t have time with a toddler in tow and trying to work from home.
So Treatbox used to be a box of treats, a mixture of items, a pick me up, sometimes a snack or a drink, something self care related, some stationery, something random but often inspirational, a piece of homeware, maybe even something to wear like socks or a scarf and occasionally a beauty item. But lately I feel like Treatbox has lost it’s identity and is moving towards being a pick me up box of self care and beauty. Where as I used to love the box because it wasn’t like so many others on the market. Lots of people would disagree with me I’m sure, and love getting items like the ones this month. But they are usually the people who have the time to relax and enjoy them all each and every month. I know it’s hard to get things to include in boxes right now, with lockdown and so many people not working, so I wasn’t expecting anything wild and amazing. But I would once again like to see a mix of items in the boxes, if it continues to be masks and soaps and bath items I just cannot justify the spend each month for items I am simply just not using or enjoying.
I hate having to be so brutally honest but I have always been the same. I cannot hide my overall disappointment in the May box.
Thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or as a gift for someone? Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and also build your own box at their website
Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.
Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes today, I hope you enjoyed the Review of this Treatbox and I hope to see you here again soon. Have a lovely day. ✩ Sabrina ✩
Hello! Happy April to you! Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes and reading the April 2020 Treatbox UK Reveal and Review with me, Sabrina.
It’s Spring Time! It’s also Isolation Lockdown in the UK! I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the NHS, the other Key Workers such as Supermarket Staff, Delivery Drivers, the Post Force, and those who create Subscription services like Zoe and her team at Treatbox UK! They are keeping spirits high and are making us a bit happier in this dark situation, by making sure we get our post! Thank you!
The theme of this month’s box is “Time To Bloom” all ready for Spring.
The pink tissue paper wrapped around our April gifts this month has a sticker that reads “Keep Going” which is so appropriate with everything going on right now.
What’s actually inside this month’s box then?
Treatbox “You Are Enough” Drinks Coaster Packet of Seeds “Keep Going Keep Growing” Treatbox “It’s Your Time To Bloom” Special Positivity Diary Treatbox A5 Print“Bloom Where You Are Planted” Flower & White Raspberry Meringue Bar ~ 96 calories & GF Joe Cool Pair of Flowery Socks
Here are some more images of the contents of the April box.
April 2020 Treatbox UK Reveal
My Honest Opinion on the Contents of the month’s box
Overall I am very happy with the April 2020 box. I love the Print, the Coaster and the Positivity Diary most. The floral design throughout really made me happy when I saw it, very pretty and representing Spring in a beautiful and colourful way.
Something like this diary will bring me a lot of joy to complete. And I plan on keeping it once it is full and then look back on it in years to come. This virus will be a turning point in some many peoples lives, and documenting what it was like will be interesting to show my children or even my grand children one day (hopefully!).
Socks are always nice to receive I think, and getting a pretty item is a bonus. I like that the edible item is British made in Shropshire from Eggs from this county, and considering it was the county I was born in, I like it even better!
Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.
Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone? Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their website
Don’t forget you can follow my social media such as Instagram for more Treatbox photos and updates throughout the month including me using items!@SevernSabrina
Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes, have a great month of April! If you need some ideas for baking with the children or arts and crafts please check out the rest of my blog for inspiration.
✩ Sabrina ✩
I really needed to hear this quote this week, a great addition to my collection of coasters from Treatbox over the years! I think this has been my favourite so far!
Hello Treatbox Fans! It’s time for the February 2020 Treatbox Reveal and Review!
Greeted by baby pink paper and a sticker that reads “Awesome People’s Club” the February treatbox smells nice as I open it up…
The first thing I notice is the scarf, wow it’s beautiful! It has instantly become my favourite item inside this month’s box. I look forward to wearing it.
White Scarf with Triangular Pattern Details “Dream Big” Long Cosmetics Bag / Pencil Case “Don’t Worry if Today Feels a Little Grey” Treatbox Card Self Care Print A5 Korean Beauty Mask – Purifying Pink Clay Sheet Mask Whitworth’s Shots – Berry and White Chocolate – Healthy Snack Pink Heart Bath Bomb A Sticker – I think! Will Update! “Beautiful Inside and Out”
My Honest Opinion
Here we are everyone, it’s February! I was looking forward to this box, as it could have literally been anything and the themes aren’t a thing anymore. Knowing it would be self care and making time for yourself is always good, but it’s also different for every person.
I’m very pleased with most of its contents. I especially like the scarf, the case and the shots.The quotes and the quality in these three items are right up my street. The card is also nice and has a good quote to remind us all that grey days do eventually pass. The bath bomb is a nice touch but I honestly don’t have much time to relax in the bath these days! HA!
We do have yet another Korean Beauty, which I would like to see something else inside the next box, perhaps still beauty but not a mask, maybe a lip balm, a stick on tattoo or even something like jewellery perhaps… the final item I think might be a sticker of some sort, but without the useful calendar and explanation page I can’t tell you what it is! I shall find out from Zoe and update my blog accordingly!
Finally the quote on the A5 print this month hit home to me, we often find ourselves so busy to do self care, I know I do. Some days I do feel I am just giving what is left, and I want the people directly in my life to have the best parts of me.
Overall I have really liked the February box, there have been some nice items and a good improvement on the products inside too.
Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone? Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their website
Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.
Don’t forget you can follow my social media such as Instagram for more Treatbox photos and updates throughout the month including me using items!@SevernSabrina
Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes, have a great February!
Hello readers! This is the November 2019 Treatbox Reveal with me, Sabrina of Severn Wishes Blog.
Happy Treatbox Day! My apologies for the delay in bringing you this November Treatbox reveal.I hope that you can forgive its lateness.
It has a pretty lilac tissue paper this month… Top Tip! Open the paper carefully and re-use it to wrap something for someone at Christmas this year! Recycle your Treatbox Tissue Paper!
Don’t forget you can follow my social media for more Treatbox photos and updates throughout the month including me using items!
Here are the contents of the November box. This month there are 5 physical items in total, 10 Cards, along with 1 A5 Print and of course the usual Calendar Print.
November Calendar Print A5 Print “Time To Relax” Mindfulness Prompt Cards – 10 Cards Sign Decoration “home” Clipper Hot Chocolate Fairtrade Instant Drink 28g Candy Kittens Bag of Sweets! Tropical Mango – Vegan 54g Rose Gold Dust Sheet Mask – Moisturising Face Mask 20ml Pink Sparkle Tealights – 12
My Opinion on the November 2019 Box The items I like most in this month’s box are ‘home’ sign, the mindfulness prompt cards, the sweets and the mask.
I will be gifting away the hot chocolate because it’s not dairy free sadly, but I know of someone who will love it so it’s going in as a Christmas Stocking filler!Ooo!
I am most looking forward to eating the sweets, hanging up my ‘home’ sign on the wall. And I will try using the mindfulness cards too for the coming weeks.
This is a positive card that I do intend to take inspiration from, this is a lovely idea to incorporate at the end of your day instead of a diary entry.Candy Kitten Sweets are Vegan! And So Yum!More of the mindfulness cards…I actually achieved this card this month, two large bags of unwanted clothes and bric-a-brac have gone to a charity shop.
These candles smell nice…
Not much relaxing happening for me at the moment, so the mask is going in my drawer for a time when I have an hour or two free in order to pamper myself!
Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone? Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their website
Check out my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.
Thank you for visiting Severn Wishes, I hope you enjoyed this Review. See you again soon.
✩ Sabrina ✩
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