The brand new year has begun and the first Treatbox UK box of 2023 landed on my doorstep. I had a few days off over New Year spent with my family, and then I began blogging again at the end of the first week of January. This is why this post is a little later than I would usually do them, however I needed a much deserved rest, and less hours looking at my screens.
I hope your year has started off well! Thank you for joining me today!
So let’s get on to this unboxing! I was hoping for some of the usual “start of the year” items in this box, such as a Journal or Calendar or a Planner, and I also hoped for the possibility of new things that we had not yet seen as well!
And guess what? I wasn’t disappointed! If you would prefer to watch my unboxing video, then you can find that by clicking here… otherwise please continue as I unbox the January 2023 Treatbox!

What was inside the January box?
January 2023 Monthly Calendar Print
2023 Treatbox Original Bound Calendar
Sheet of Stickers for Organising and Reminding
Treatbox Original A5 Print “The new year stands before us…”
Treatbox Original Notebook “Notes” – Blank White Pages
Stationery Pen – Colour Picked at Random – I received a White Pen
Pink Iced Shortbread Biscuit “You Got This”
Pink Velvet Hair Scrunchie

Let us now take a closer look at the products that were inside for January 2023.

What is my Honest Opinion
A lovely box with a well thought out design this month, the dusky pink throughout and a theme of moving forward with the start of the new year. A mix of organisation items and Treatbox original stationery, combined with some treats with the biscuit to eat and the scrunchie to wear.
The Calendar is of excellent quality and I have created a cardboard stand for mine to stand up on my desk, so that I’m able to keep track of everything with ease as the weeks go on. (See image below).
My favourite items are the Calendar, Stickers and the Scrunchie, but all of the items this month are useful and of good product quality. I also like the positive quote on the print this month too, because I personally (as a writer) do see every new year as new chapters ready to be written.
To see the Treatbox UK products in use please follow me on social media as they will feature regularly all month in my photographs and videos. This January box has been a lovely start to the year, and I look forward to the next box in February.

Thank you for reading this unboxing blog post, I hope you have a lovely January.
Don’t forget to follow me on my social media for more updates and individual
product reviews as well as witnessing these items I just told you all about in use too.
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Have a great weekend!
✩ Sabrina ✩