It’s time to Reveal the April 2021 TreatboxUK box!
I was intrigued to see what would be inside because of how much I loved the March box!
I wasn’t disappointed! The box is filled with uplifting items!

✩ What Was In The April 2021 Box? ✩
April Calendar Print
Treatbox Original Pin “Little Steps Still Get You There”
Treatbox Square Print “If You have Good Thoughts they will Shine out of your Face like Sunbeams and you will Always Look Lovely”
Biscuit “Focus on the Good”
Smiley Design White Ribbed Socks
teapigs Happy Tea ~ Tea Bags x 2 Lemon Balm
Sensory Retreats Amour Eyes Self Heating Eye Mask
The Happy News by Emily Coxhead ~ A Newspaper filled with Positivity

✩ My Opinion of the April Box Contents ✩
What I really liked most about this box was how happy it was! The positive vibes emanated from every item. I laughed out loud when I saw the socks, they are so funny! Then I began to read the TreatboxUK originals like the Print and the Pin. They are all positive or uplifting and that makes for an overall delightfully lovely box.
I look forward to eating the biscuit and drinking the uplifting tea. A Calendar Print is always handy, I am going to use mine as a meal planner for the month I think! The eye mask I will certainly use at some point in the future too!

Did you know that you can view all of my previous Treatbox unboxing posts in this unique category of mine called ‘Treatbox’ it is specifically for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes Treatbox.
The April 2021 was box number 61 for me!!!
Thank you for reading this Review and Reveal for the April Treatbox! If you liked it why not check out my other reviews too! Have a great Easter weekend!
✩ Sabrina ✩