How I Am Beating My Morning Sickness, Pregnancy Health and My Top Tips

Welcome to Today’s Post – How I Am Beating My Morning Sickness

So first of all it should never have been called “Morning Sickness” and that goes for double for me. I feel worse in the middle of the day and right up until bed time. When it’s bad some days it even wakes me up in the night, although the increase in bodily fluids such as mucus really hasn’t helped! They don’t tell you any of this though.

I know that some people have morning sickness so badly that they get dehydrated and end up in hospital. Luckily for me I haven’t been that bad, but it’s taken it’s toll either way, I have never felt so exhausted and unwell. So I wanted to write this post and put out some ideas and tips on how I’m currently beating my awful sickly feelings.

The first few weeks were definitely the hardest. I couldn’t go anywhere outside of my house without a cold bottle of water, a packet of Sugar Free Polo Mints and a box of salted biscuits in my handbag. I have to say though, the sickness was worse for me the more hungry I got, so I tried to not get hungry by snacking little and regularly. Grapes were a great idea, seedless and cold right out of the fridge, followed by Salted Biscuits or Crackers.

My Top Tip is Water! Water always helps if you sip it slowly and especially if it’s cool, the mints and peppermint flavour in general can also help with the feeling of being nauseous, and the salted biscuits were what I snacked on between meals. I found that if I got even remotely hungry I would feel terribly sickened. So by not letting myself get very hungry, and eating smaller meals more often plus the snacks I slowly began to beat the sickness. The trick is to breathe and tell yourself you aren’t going to be ill, take a sip of water and eat something like a mouse, nibble and take your time.

After week eight I even purchased some “Sea Bands”, they are sickness bands that work by using the pressure points on your wrists. I know that they don’t work for everyone, but when my sickness was so bad that I couldn’t even lie down flat to sleep, I found that they did help me. I had the feelings by this point in pregnancy but wasn’t actually sick. I would press on the pressure point while sipping cold water and breathing slowly but deeply. Like I say it works for me, and even when I am having the odd sickly day now, I wear the bands. I also wear them in the car because I find motion has often contributed to the feelings more so than before I was pregnant.

At week twelve of my pregnancy I had good days and bad days, and it would often depend on what I came into contact with. Some strong aftershaves or perfumes knocked me sick, as did any kind of raw meat smell, dog poop on the pavement or a smelly public toilet were my worst. The best advice I have at this stage of pregnancy is to breathe through your mouth and make sure that you have plenty of water around you and to hand. If you’ve gone off some foods or are avoiding spicy foods due to risk of indigestion continue to do so while you feel this stage of nausea. I had to live off basic meals that were not spicy or rich, like tomato pasta and plain vegetables, stir fry vegetables and noodles, plain cooked rice with minced pork or chicken breast…

Don’t forget that if you’re struggling to eat a lot now in these first few weeks, that you can make up for it when you’re feeling a lot better. You will need to take a supplement that your midwife should recommend you anyway. But after you begin to feel more like eating you should establish a healthy routine of snacks, such as fruit and vegetables to make up for any unhealthy snacks you eat when feeling bad. Trust me when I say that some days all I want and do eat is a bag of crisps or a bar of chocolate, but I also eat grapes and other easy to eat fruits that can be carried with me or taken to work in portions. Reach for the good stuff if you can, and don’t forget that a glass of juice or smoothie will count as one of your five a day too, and that is easy!

I’m now approaching the half way point in my pregnancy, and I cannot believe how quickly it’s going. I still have days that I’m feeling rather unwell, and usually it’s to do with my food choices. You soon learn what works for your tummy and avoid the things that upset you. My
top tip is to keep a food diary from early on, or if you keep a daily diary anyway then make a note of what you’ve eaten. Then if you’re not well you can put it down to that and avoid that for a week or two and then try it again.

I have been eating a lot of dairy because of how important Calcium in take is, but some days my stomach doesn’t like how much I’m giving it. Carbohydrates are also important but in moderation along with vegetables. Drink as much water as you’re able to, I also have a glass of fruit juice a day, and sometimes add squash or flat lemonade into my daily drinks when I feel fed up of water. You will find out quite quickly that fizzy drinks are not practical in pregnancy and just exasperate certain things that are happening inside you… Do you think it’s rather windy today?

Just because you have limitations on what you can eat and drink, it doesn’t mean you can’t have treats in moderation, and it also doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying your food. Once your morning sickness is getting better you may find your appetite returns and for me, it even got better! I have had to stop myself reaching for more foods some days. Another Top Tip of mine is to use an app for your phone, I use my FitBit App because you can add into it your Drink and Food daily. It will calculate a rough estimate on how many calories you’re in-taking with your food. I find it very very useful for keeping track of everything!

I bought my Sea Bands from Amazon, but you can buy them at your larger local Supermarket Pharmacy Counters too. They come in a few sizes and colours which is nice and you can even put them in the washing machine – very handy if you end up wearing them frequently.

I hope that you’ve either learnt something today or just enjoyed reading about the ups and downs of the start of my pregnancy. If you have any questions I’m happy to try and answer them, if you do then please leave me a comment. And remember that the UK NHS website has loads of advice for expectant parents, and your midwife or GP are the best people to talk to if you have any pregnancy related questions, problems or illnesses.If you would like to read more about my pregnancy journey, including recipes and reviews on maternity wear, then you can read the whole category by clicking here for my Pregnancy only category.

Thanks for reading today’s post, have a lovely day.

✩ Sabrina ✩


A Short List Of Things I Did In 2017 To Make My 2018 Better

✩ Things That I Did In 2017 To Make My 2018 Better ✩

There were many things during 2017 that I decided to change or make plans ahead of time to make my life easier. This may seem like a lot of effort but really, a lot of it was just common sense. I also saw several programs last year that made me contemplate some of the lifestyle choices I was making.

Here is one example. I would often pop to my local supermarket on the walk home from work in an evening, and although I carried a rucksack I would nearly always buy too many items to fit inside it. So I invested in a reusable bag from the pound shop, and it is consistently folded up now inside my work bag. That way any occasion that arises that I need some extra carrying space I will have it. It saves on both money and on plastic too!

I have also adopted this for my big fortnightly shop, my husband and I only use hemp and cotton recyclable bags now. They are easy to use and easy to stand up in the boot of the car being similar sizes. Invest in one and keep it in your car!

Let me show you roughly how much you would save… If you usually buy five 10p bags every time that you shop, and say that that shop is once a week, that equals 50p a week. So if you use a reusable bag that costs anything from £1.00 to £4.00 (for a decent one) then you could save… a whopping £26.00 a year! Plus these bags that I have, some are three years old now and still going strong.

Another change I have made, which is more of a Lifestyle one, is to stop using any cosmetics products that contain plastic micro beads inside. I watch a lot of documentaries and nature programs, and what I kept seeing was the overwhelming evidence of how plastic is damaging our oceans. I am hugely into nature and support it in any small way that I can, so making this change was not a big deal for me, but will hopefully help the bigger picture globally if more of us make this change too.

Finally I made the decision to continue eating more fruit and vegetables in my diet. As an Endometriosis sufferer I can have really bad skin, and no amount of water helps me with it. But cutting down on saturated fats, greasy foods and things like eating too much chocolate have really helped me. So this year I am making the choice to stick to the dietary decisions I put in place at the end of last year. Don’t get me wrong I still eat whatever I want, that includes a takeaway once a fortnight, chocolate most days, a fry up once in a while, cakes and other things, just all of those in moderation. Smaller amounts and then substituting some of my snacks for more fruit.

Everything in Moderation 😉

I plan to do a post this Spring about some food that I eat and some of my own recipes too. If I can help others to eat more healthily but still enjoy their food then I will definitely try and share my opinions if people think it may be useful!

Thank you for reading this relatively short Lifestyle post today. I hope my words have given you something to think about, some changes are just so easy to make, but they can in turn make a big difference to your life and the lives of others. As well as sometimes the environment and your surrounding area. When we took our recycling in today, our local place had their January statistics up and they managed to recycle a grand total of 78% of what was brought to them, this is what we need to aspire to help.

Have a great week everyone! And if you need any tips on how to recycle more in your home I’m happy to answer any questions!

✩ Sabrina ✩

My Personal Experience with Smear Tests #SmearForSmear and Living With Endometriosis The Facts

My Personal Experiences with having Smear Tests, in support of the #SmearForSmear Campaign.
And Living with Endometriosis, my Diagnosis and Treatment with Facts.

As a woman, I feel very strongly about the facts that have come to light in the UK news recently, and that is only 3 in 4 women of Smear Testing age are attending their tests! If you are in that percentage who have been putting it off, for whatever reason it might be, I need you to consider what I’m going to talk about today.

I am here to give you my opinions and to talk about a member of my family who is currently and bravely fighting Cervical Cancer after a diagnosis from a routine smear. Not only is she an inspiration to us as friends and family but she is raising awareness and keeping a diary of her treatment between receiving her chemotherapy sessions.

In this blog post I will be talking about my smear test experiences, and later on my diagnosis of Endometriosis and what it is like to live with. How this disease has some similar symptoms to Cervical Cancer and how having my routine smear helped me realise I needed to get more help with my issues when my tests came back normal.

I will be including some Smear and Cervical Cancer statistics throughout my post. But first I encourage you all to read my two accounts, and to consider booking or attending that test. Because do you know what? It might just save your life.

My First Smear Test

When I had my first smear test aged 25 I remember feeling rather anxious. The main reason for this anxiety was due to what pain it might cause me. I had always suffered with painful periods and other nasty issues, and I was undergoing a series of tests at the time of this first smear. My doctor was trying to determine why I was having so much pain in my abdomen. Despite this pain it was so important that I had this first routine smear to rule out anything like cervical or ovarian cancer. There are several conditions in women that share symptoms, and it is imperative that Doctors find out the root cause and distinguish what the problem might be.

The smear test itself was simple, after removing your clothes from the waist down you lay on the bed, place your feet flat together and bend your knees off to the sides. You place a sheet over your modesty and you await the nurse. My nurse was lovely and put me at ease. She was aware of my anxiety because I made it clear when I walked in – honesty is the best policy with nurses!

I first asked her to talk me through what she was doing so I could prepare myself. Trying to relax and not tense is the most difficult part. A speculum needs to be inserted into the vagina and then a light is shone on you so the nurse can see enough to take the sample. However I became rather tense and found the speculum made me very uncomfortable. The nurse could see I was distressed and she changed the size and tried again, this one was better but still hurt me.

The sample taking itself is like a quick scratch, and the nurse will let you know when they are about to do it. The cells are gathered on the implement and placed into a tube for testing. The speculum is then slowly removed and you are left alone for a moment to get dressed.

After the smear some people have 24 to 48 hours where they feel a little sore, and I did spot a little blood afterwards but nothing that a basic panty liner wouldn’t catch. Overall I was glad that I had gotten the experience over with. And less than two weeks later I received a letter in the post that told me my cells had come back as normal and I would be scheduled another routine smear in approximately three years time.

After seven trips in and out of hospital and several failed doctor tests, I found out almost two years after this smear that the reason the insertion of a speculum hurt me so much (and the reason for my other symptoms too) was because I was suffering with stage 3 Endometriosis. I was only 27. This had spread throughout my pelvis including on to my bladder and bowel and compromising my left ovary, it had grown to Stage 4 before I had surgery to remove it in 2016.

Endometriosis is an incurable condition where the cells and tissue that normally covers and grows inside the uterus grows outside of it. This often happens on the Ovaries, the Fallopian tubes, and other surrounding tissues. This can include the bowel, the bladder and other organs found inside the female pelvis. In much rarer cases it may also occur in other parts of the body such as the lungs and the brain. Once removed Endometriosis gradually grows back when hormones are present in the woman’s system, sometimes effecting the same areas as it had done before.

Endometriosis is not detectable on a Smear or a Scan, and is only diagnosed by exploratory Laparoscopy surgery. Endometriosis shares lots of Symptoms with other abdomen related problems, including some cancers. So having a routine smear test can tell you if you have any abnormal cells that need to be looked at in more detail. I cannot stress how important this test is, and if you are worried there is something wrong you must go to your doctor. I will include some more facts later in the post.

My Second Smear Test

My second smear was taken only eight weeks after I had had my Endometriosis surgery. The experience was much better the second time around, and I was less anxious of course because I knew what was going to happen. However I was still apprehensive that I would encounter the same pain as the first time. Although having the speculum inserted was still an uncomfortable process for me, the nurse managed to perform the test as quickly as possible, now knowing about my condition.

Once again the test results came in two weeks and I was very relieved to have a negative result and all my cells were fine. After having surgery only a few weeks prior to this smear, the result was something that I was a little more concerned about this time around. Lucky for me it was clear of anything sinister, and I knew I would just have the Endo to deal with. I was still coming to terms with my recent surgery, however I still kept my appointment for my smear because of how important it is.

After all that I went through, I know that I am truly one of the lucky ones, and for something that makes you uncomfortable for just a minute, it is more than worth it to perhaps save your life. One of the reasons I personally found the smear uncomfortable was purely down to having Endometriosis, and I will talk more about that in a moment.

Now For Some Facts

Cervical Cancer

• Cervical Cancer is the most common type of Cancer in Women under 35.
• 1 in 4 women do not attend their routine Smear Test.
• 75% of Cervical Cancers can be prevented through regular screening tests.
• Symptoms of Cervical Cancer Include; Pain During Sex, Lower Back Pain and Irregular Bleeding (During or After Sex and In between Periods). However sometimes there are no symptoms and some people are symptom less when they get diagnosed.
• 9 out of 10 People who have a Smear, have Normal Test Results back.
• A Smear Test takes minutes to complete, and early diagnosis of Abnormal Cells could Save Your Life.
• The UK age for Smear Tests is currently 25, but if you are worried about any symptoms you may be having then please talk to your Doctor.


• There is currently no cure for Endometriosis.
• Symptoms of Endo include; Pain during Sex, Pain with the Bowel and Bladder, Bleeding between Periods, Constant Fatigue, Unexplained bouts of Extreme Pain, Unexplained Infertility, Painful and Heavy Periods and Lower Back Pain.
• 1 in 10 Women in the United Kingdom have Endometriosis.
• Infertility is a main concern for the women who have it.
• 80% of Endo sufferers frequently miss work due to the pain and other symptoms.
• It takes on Average 7.5 years to get a Diagnosis in the UK.
• 43% of women were wrongly told that the symptoms would go if they got Pregnant.
• Only 20% of the general public have heard about Endometriosis and most are women.
• Many young women are told they simply have a low pain threshold and that some symptoms are made worse by their own minds. 33% were told it was all in their head and just a case of “Bad Periods”.
• Endo is the 2nd most COMMON Gynecological Condition in the UK.
• The only Official Diagnosis is Laparoscopy and the only Treatment is Surgery.

Living with Endo

I heard a saying once that really stuck with me, it was this. “Pain is Inevitable but Suffering is Optional”. This really hit home for me, after I had struggled for almost fifteen years being told by doctor after doctor that I just had painful periods and a low pain threshold. It wasn’t until my husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for a considerable time that my GP began to run more tests. It still took two years for me to be believed by someone, and that was actually a cancer doctor at my local hospital. He listened to me and my list of symptoms, and said he would take me in for an exploratory laparoscopy before passing me on to the relevant department. It turned out that I was right all along, it was Endometriosis. The one reason I had concluded this was the fertility issues I had been having, the fact that other tests such as my smears had come back normal, and the other reason was because Endo already ran in my family.

I wouldn’t wish the Endo pain on my worst enemy. It is exhausting for day to day activities and causing fatigue, but on your period it’s 10 times worse. I have had to stay at home for days, vomiting because of severe pain and shaking from the shock it puts my body through. There have been times where I have been doubled over screaming, times where I have crawled to my bathroom, and times where I couldn’t even comprehend the pain that was happening. It has also caused me fertility issues and I have had to have surgery and treatment to get back to a normal daily life.
I cannot thank my specialist and surgeon enough for giving me my life back, they even managed to save my left ovary so that I could have fertility treatment. And although every day is hard, I am better knowing how to monitor my condition. There is no cure, and only surgery can remove it, so you have to learn what works for you. Hot Water Bottles and Strong Pain Killers have become staples in my house to get me through the rough days.

Having Endometriosis has meant I have cancelled social plans knowing my cycle would clash with it, I rearranged important events and even changed plans with very short notice to people. After a few times it became difficult for some people to understand, that you are not being awkward but you cannot be in a social environment when you are so ill. Endo has also caused me to suffer with anxiety. It all made me realise who true friends were and I am grateful to all of those who have stood by me through some rather difficult years.

Remember Endometriosis affects people in different ways, like any medical problem your body size and severity of the condition plays a part. I was actually told I must have a high pain threshold for withstanding what had been occurring inside my body, though at the times it was bad I thought I was the weakest person. Sometimes you have to believe in yourself and that the bad times will eventually pass. Thankfully for me I got help and it has gotten better.

Luckily I am now doing much better, but with an overall prognosis and time frame given to me by my specialist. I try and live every week to the fullest, although that is hard to do some weeks. But I have to say there is now light at the end of my tunnel and I am a stronger woman for the journey that I have had to overcome.

Endometriosis Awareness Month is March.

Thank you

Thanks for reading this blog post today, I know that it is a lot more open and honest than some of my previous ones, but I think that it’s so important that people support one another. I wanted to be honest about what I have gone through so it may help someone else.
I may do a more in depth Endometriosis post in the future if people would find my experiences useful. If you would like to read more about this and my ways of coping, please leave me a comment.
As women we need to support each other through the things that we go through. Talk to your best friend, your mum or a female nurse if you need some further advice on Smear Tests, but please, don’t put off having your Smear.
And when you think there is something not quite right, listen to your body and go to see your Doctor about it.

Thank you for reading Severn Wishes today,


x This post was written for Hayley, and everyone currently fighting Cervical Cancer x

My Top Handbag Essentials For Getting Through Autumn/Winter

My Top Handbag Essentials For Getting Through Autumn and Winter.

It’s official, it’s gone really cold here in the United Kingdom. So I thought I would do a short blog post today explaining my handbag essentials.

Most of us carry a larger bag in the Winter because we need more space for the things that we require such as gloves or socks.

Here is my list of Autumn/Winter essentials that I often bring with me, especially if it’s going to be a long day out. You never know when the weather might change so it’s always good to be prepared. Some of these things don’t even weigh much so they aren’t inconvenient.

My Autumn And Winter Handbag Essentials

Arm Warmers
Comfortable Socks
Tiny Bottled Water
Lip Balm
Hand Cream
Hand Sanitiser
Packet of Tissues
Compact Mirror
Mini Torch
Rolled Up Bag

Let me explain a little bit about why I carry certain items. If you feel the cold like I do, little things like Gloves and Arm Warmers can make a big difference. Say you catch a bus, and it’s late on your route home. If you have these things with you and it suddenly gets colder you are prepared.

The same thing goes for the Water and the Tissues, you just never know when you may need these items so it’s a good idea to carry them all year around not just these colder months. I always carry Hand Cream for my dry skin and the Lip Balm for keeping my lips smooth, I use these more so in the Winter but they live in my bags throughout the year.

The torch is somewhat of a personal choice, it’s difficult to put my key in my front door after dark as you cannot see the keyhole, a mini torch is a great way to stay safe if you’re walking in the Winter evenings as well as useful in circumstances such as the one I mentioned.

I hope that you have enjoyed this little insight into my lifestyle! If you have any questions about where I got any of the items shown please leave me a comment
Have a wonderful day!


16 Really Easy Ways To Walk More

✩ Ways to Walk More ✩

Walking is something that I am hugely passionate about, and I’m always encouraging others to walk more. So I thought why not take some of my own skills and ideas and let you all know why I choose to walk so much, and ways that you can too!

I come from a family who loved the outdoors. I grew up in the middle of nowhere, walking, cycling, hiking and horse riding. Following the family dog off down the field for an adventure… We were always outside unless the weather was atrocious!

Even though I walked a lot as a child and grew up in the countryside, I have lived in a city for the past ten years, and it is a world away from my childhood. I wanted to maintain my fitness and my strength in my legs too. So I made the decisions such as walking to work, walking to the groceries shop for midweek essentials, and to still do a walk on a weekend when I had the option to stay at home.

I try to walk in nature on a weekend when I can find the time, do some of my hobbies like my nature photography, and take in the fresh air I miss in the week.

So here is my list of 16 ways that I use to walk more often now I live where I do, and some ways that you can take inspiration from and do the same. You can tailor this list to suit your needs and limitations.

✩ Walk to and or from Work.

✩ Walk to the groceries store and taxi back / or walk back but make sure you only buy what you can comfortably carry back.

✩ Choose a local destination that you’ve not visited before and walk to it – pop some tunes on if it’s a long walk but be safe!

✩ Volunteer at your local park/beach for a litter clean up.

✩ If you already take a bus then why not get off one stop before your usual one and walk that short distance. Over time you can increase it to two or even three stops – weather dependent of course.

✩ Join a local walking or hiking club, or if that’s not your thing then why not try Golf or Photography, there are other great ways to get out doing something you think is fun – make a list of your hobbies and expand walking into them.

✩ To get the kids involved – Eye Spy on a Walk, Orienteering or even a Treasure Hunt?

Do you meet your friends often for a Coffee? If it’s a nice day why not get them as take out and you can go for a walk while you catch up.

✩ If you’re a Home bug – try plugging in your phone in another room, so you have to walk to it check any messages… all those steps count!

Probably an obvious one, but if your commute has any lifts or escalators – some days why not take the stairs!

If you already walk a fair bit then why not mix it up a bit by finding alternative routes to work or school. Google Maps is brilliant!

Sign up for one of those local 5K or 10K walks – you can even get people to sponsor you for a good cause too.

Plan to plant something in the Spring time, perhaps a fruit or a vegetable you all like and if you have kids then get them involved too. Learning and gardening win win!

Volunteer to walk a friends dog when they next go away – great exercise and you could make it a fun game by seeing what other dog breeds you see on the way.

Family Fun! Check out google maps for any local places that you and the family could visit like free parks / beaches / gardens… Take a picnic and make a day of it!

And Finally – Go Out As A Family! Cycling! Bowling! Whatever floats your boat!

My Top Tips if you’re also a Competitive Adult.

I have a Fitbit that my husband bought me in 2016, and on the App you can set challenges between you and your friends. They are called things like Weekend Warrior or Daily Showdown, where you’re tasked with beating your Daily Steps Goal (set when you begin with Fitbit) and beating everyone else in the set time (if you can). It makes me walk further, it makes me go around the block again before entering my house – all for those extra few steps! Fitbit is a wonderful way to track your exercise and I love my Fitbit clip.

They soon add up into KM’s and you’ll be surprised. The healthy average is supposed to be 10K steps in 24 hours, so that is your starting point…Gather your friends together and start a walking, cycling, hiking club! You don’t need to be doing it every week, just make time once in a while to group up. Sign up for Charity Walks and Runs, and make your way up to more difficult events.

Other Things To Consider.

Don’t do anything that you’re not comfortable with doing.

Consider your health – Diabetes or Asthma might hold you back so make any relevant changes to ensure you can increase your walking safely.

Never wear headphones so loud that you cannot hear dangers, take care at junctions and ensure you are always aware of your surroundings when listening to things too.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this blog post, a bit of a lifestyle one tonight, but it’s important that I put my own opinions across sometimes about my own life, and not just write reviews. I am a human being at the end of the day! If you liked this post please leave me a comment and let me know. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

✩ Sabrina ✩

Snacks That I Am Loving Right Now

Snacks That I Am Loving Right Now

So I am a huge snack lover! I might not look it as I’m naturally slim, but I love my chocolate, crisps, yogurts and fruity snacks! Among other things! I do eat a banana and a bowl of strawberries or raspberries most days, but what else do I snack on. Well today I am telling you honestly, that for the past several months, these are the products that I have been buying and munching on…

On the blog today I wanted to share with you all some of my favourite latest buys and eats! Some of which I have been eating a lot of to maintain my current weight due to health reasons. For someone like myself getting the necessary five fruit and veg a day plus ensuring my calories, just isn’t enough. So I also choose healthy snacks such as these as my in between treats.

I just wanted to state that I am by no means encouraging people to eat poorly, because we all need to eat healthily, but you can make room in your lifestyle for tasty treats and indulgent items such as the products I’m going to be talking about today. Everything in moderation alongside a diet rich in vitamins and drinking plenty of water. Light exercise if you cannot get to a facility to do so. And remember, we are all built differently, so don’t compare yourself.

Now, where were we? Ah yes, my current favourite snacks!

1. Nomadic Oat and Yogurt Pots – These Cereal and Yogurt Pots are Divine!

Tasty, Great Textures and Great as a Snack or for Breakfast! You can get them in Tesco! There are currently 4 varieties, Chocolate, Strawberry and Blackcurrant and Blueberry. They are all delicious, I have tried them all. Not only are they convenient for a quick breakfast but they are also a wonderful snack between meals. They contain bio-live Irish Yogurt and come in several flavours.

I prefer the chocolate one out of them all, but really enjoy the strawberry too. I tend to mix the two pots together and then throw some sliced banana on top or some raspberries. Both work extremely well with both flavours.

They even come with a folded spoon inside for those of us who have to eat on the go!

If you want to know more about Nomadic and their other great products check out their website here.

2. Pop Chips! Wow have you tried these?

Delicious, Light and Melt on the Tongue with Amazing Flavour! I have found them in most large supermarkets and they come in a few flavours now too, but the sour cream and onion is my fave. They are Gluten Free and contain nothing artificial whatsoever! With only 95 calories a bag you can afford to be naughty with these.

3. Perkier Bars
! Tasty and Gluten Free as well as a variety of other cool and healthy things!

Not only do these taste great and there are many varieties, but they are Gluten Free, Dairy Free and don’t have any artificial colours or preservatives in either. I got a sample to try through work, but you can purchase these delicious bars in health food shops and big supermarkets stock them in the ‘Free From Ingredients’ isles. The one I had was this (see images below) a Quinoa Bar with Goji and Cranberry. It was naturally sweetened by adding pineapple juice and contains a natural source of vitamins and antioxidants.

4. Pringles – New Sweet Chilli Flavour

I adore the majority of Pringles flavours, but this new one is absolutely delicious! With a great flavour and crunch and then the aftertaste of chilli, phew! So Yummy! You will have to of course try for yourself and make up your own mind, but if you like tasty with a kick, these are for you!

5. Cadbury Chocolate Yoghurt Pots – Various Side Treats

Have you tried one of these yet? Most supermarkets sell at least one variety. There’s Buttons, Flake, Chunks, at certain times of the year they do special pots like Oreo, Mini Eggs or Freddo Faces! (There have been others too!) A delicious treat for any time of the day, and nice if you want to increase your calcium intake but don’t want to eat anymore chocolate. A tasty Dessert with extra Cadbury pieces on the side!

And that concludes my current snacks!

Thank you for reading this short blog post today, I hope you have all enjoyed an insight into my current snacking habits. Do let me know on social media or via a comment if you decide to try any of these items after reading my review. Thanks! And remember folks, everything in moderation with your fruit and veg to be munched on as well!
