Hello July!
I hope this blog post finds all of you well as you’re reading this!

So we are just over half way through the year now and it’s time
for the July Treatbox UK Reveal and Review.
Thank you for joining me for this unboxing!
It’s time to look at the products in this months box and for me to review them for you!
If you would prefer to watch my video then head to my Facebook or Instagram.
The July box features TB OR – Treatbox Original Products
only available by ordering from Treatbox UK.

What’s Inside the July Treatbox UK?
July Calendar Print
TB OR A6 Print “sunshine and happy days”
Smiley Face Socks
TB OR Greetings Cards – 2 Cards for Passing on the Sunshine
Merci Hand Cream in Hello Sunshine scent 30ml
Candy Kittens – Tropical Mango flavour 54g
The Happy Newspaper by Emily Coxhead issue 26
Tea Pop Gourmet Tea – Caramel flavour (in my box but may vary)

My Honest Opinion of the July box
What a box of sunshine! When I opened up the Treatbox and I saw the theme was sunshine and happy vibes it was just what I needed to boost my week. We had socks again and I was really happy about that because I love the quality of the socks! They are soft and cute as usual with smiley faces on this time! And what I also loved was the fact that we can pass on the happiness and sunshine from our July box by sending the Treatbox UK cards on to someone we care about!
The Merci hand cream smells lovely like summer flowers on a sunny day, a light cream that melts into your hands and comes in a handbag size to boot! Perfect for use all year round! It made my skin feel very soft after I used it a couple of times.
The Candy Kittens sweets are Vegan, Palm Oil Free and are now Carbon Neutral too! You get 54g to enjoy of this treat with natural fruit flavours in Tropical Mango. Yum!
We have the Happy Newspaper which I haven’t read all of yet, but hearing about happy stories and inspiring people is always a good thing. It’s important that we focus on some of the good things happening in the world even when times are hard, because if you look hard enough there is always some good news to find somewhere.
I haven’t had the Tea Pop yet because we are having a heatwave in the UK right now and I cannot stand drinking a hot drink when I’m already feeling very warm. However I did have an idea for this which was… make up the tea – I had Caramel flavour – and then pour it into an ice cube tray and freeze it! Pop these Caramel flavoured ice cubes into Pepsi Max or Water and make it a new flavour! Seeing as the heatwave is set to continue for yet another week I will make room in my freezer and do this! I will post about it on my Instagram and let you know how I get on!
Finally there are the Print, Wrapping Paper and the Cards – Treatbox Original Products – all made with the theme of sunshine! July is meant to be the happy and sunny month of the year (if we’re lucky) and so far we seem to be having just that! May the sunshine continue! I look forward to passing the cards on to people when it is appropriate to use them, and using the paper to wrap a present for someone.

Here are some more photographs now of the products I got within this box.

Thank you for joining me as I have unboxed and reviewed this July subscription box today. Treatbox UK is currently the only monthly box I am subscribed to and the reason for that is due to consistently great content and products that I hold in high regard. Providing items that are Vegan, Carbon Neutral, Sustainable and Healthy are very important to me. I get a treat but I’m also not harming the planet in the process.

I wish you a lovely month of July 2022!
Please stop by again soon for another Reveal and Review!
✩ Sabrina ✩