November 2017 Treatbox Reveal

Hello and Welcome to the November 2017 Treatbox Reveal with Sabrina of Severn Wishes.

✩ Happy Treat Box Day Everyone! 

✩ This month appears to have the theme of stars! 
I open the box to find a dark navy blue coloured tissue paper, there are stars on the calendar print and there are tiny sequin stars everywhere!
✩ (I am still finding them randomly now – this morning when I was getting dressed I found one stuck to my leg!) 
It reads “Shine Bright” in the corner of the print and November stands out on a night sky background…

As I open the calendar print page up and start to read about the contents of this box for November, I realise that the theme is recognized through some lovely items and there is also a theme of relaxation, in a moment you will understand what I mean… I peel back the sticker “Spread a little Love” carefully and I’m greeted with stars and blue colours.

Here are all of the items available in the November Treatbox – Stars and Relax.

Here is the full list of items available this month, and remember there will be slight variations sometimes in the types and the colours, so not every box is the same…

✩ There are 9 main items in this Treatbox and we also have around two hundred tiny stars in there as well… ✩✩✩

Calendar Print for November 2017 – Night Sky – Shine Bright
Star Fabric in Navy Blue – 
90cm x 180cm – 100% Viscose
A4 Print – “when it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars”
Purse Print – “never stop looking up”
Vaseline Tub – Limited Edition – Sugar Coated – 20g
Bookmark – Hearts and Raindrops – “It Starts Raining, I Start Reading”
Pocket Mirror – “Today Is A Good Day”
Adult Colouring Book – Relax Therapy / Art Therapy – 120 pages
Sparklers – 5 Coloured Fireworks

Here is a selection of my photographs of this month’s box, I hope you enjoy seeing the items up close and if you have any questions leave me a comment 😉

✩ My Favourites ✩

My favourite items from this month’s box are definitely the fabric, the sparklers, the colouring book and the quoted A4 Print.

My reasons are these, adult colouring is something I am totally in favour of, and I have many books on my shelves that I work through. For anyone who hasn’t tried it, please, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed give it a go! You won’t know if it will help until you try it, what have you got to lose? Except a couple of quid on some pens or pencils… I adore the Print, one of my most favourite quotes and I am planning to get this particular one framed… The fabric is also just Wow! It’s not only soft and detailed it’s also huge! A perfect item to hang up or for use draped across something or even worn around the shoulders like a pashmina. Finally the Sparklers are such a cool idea and I am already making a little list of things I want to try with them…

✩ My Overall Opinion ✩

There are some really nice pieces in the November box. The theme was current throughout and it was both a relaxing and thought provoking set of items. What I liked the most was the Sparklers, what a genius thing to include in the box, both to mark the moment in time for this historic month in the United Kingdom and to acknowledge adults need fun too!

An unusual way to continue the theme with both the Prints and the Fabric, but as always quality is key and we got that in bounds with this box. I loved that it was thought out carefully and that we not only have Fun, we have things to keep, things to use and to wear, as well as something to Relax with after.

I’m only disappointed by one thing, and that is receiving yet another compact mirror! I am so careful with mirrors because I am superstitious, so I certainly haven’t broken any of the previous four or more that I have gotten… I hope to gift it away at some point to a friend. Although I now have one in either of my main handbags and one in my overnight bag… perhaps I should buy a new handbag for this new one to go in! (laughs!)

Overall it is a great box with good quality items and some unique ideas too. I am by no means disheartened by the mirror, only I hope there won’t be one for quite some time now! I cannot wait to use the fabric or the sparklers, and if you follow me on social media keep an eye out for either of them, I am sure they will make an appearance sooner or later! I know just what I want to do with them…

Are you thinking of ordering a TreatBox for yourself or for a gift for someone?
Then you can find Treatbox subscriptions and build your own box at their website

If you aren’t sure on whether to try a TreatBox for yourself or not I would say order a one off box, and then if you’re happy with it you can always subscribe afterwards. Check out my previous posts on the Treat Boxes I have received so far, in this unique category of my website called ‘Treatbox’ especially for these box reviews and reveals – Severn Wishes – TREATBOX

Thanks for reading this months box reveal today, if you have any thoughts you would like to share or if you have purchased a box after reading one of my reviews then I would love to hear your from you, why not leave me a little comment below.

Also if you have any questions about any of the items from this month’s Treatbox then please get in touch I am more than happy to answer them if I can.

If you enjoyed this post why not check out my Reveal Video that I record of Treatbox every single month I get one, click the link to see this latest one on my channel here.

Thank you for joining me for this reveal today, and I hope you have all enjoyed it, I am off to take another look through all my lovely November items, and then wrap up some Christmas gifts. Have a great month!


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